Chocolate | Shouta Aizawa

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Request: I love your Aizawa fics sm<33 can you please do Aizawa x Fem!Reader who's quirk is like venom or hulk from the movies. Like how Tokoyami has dark shadow, she has a monster thing attached to her that makes her SUPER OP. Not in an NSFW way or anything just as like a fluff/crack thing a little?

Notes: I never thought I'd be writing this many Aizawa fics 😭 

Word Count: 364

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"Please! Just call him! Tell him to get more!" The voice in my head pleaded, it's been like this all day. He'd beg and beg and beg until he got what he wanted and if that didn't work he'd throw a temper tantrum, like a toddler.

"He bought five boxes yesterday! And you ate them in one sitting!" I shouted, to any other person I might look insane to say the least, yelling abruptly and talking like I were having a conversation with an actual person.

"This will be the last time please! I swear it's the last time!" Venom begged, I sighed and grabbed my phone, "Fine. But this is the last time." I spat, dialing my husband's number.

"Yes my love?" He spoke, "Do you think you could get me more chocolate?" I nervously asked, "More?" He questioned, his voice laced with concern. "Yeah..please..?" I pleaded, "Sure..I get off in a few, I'll bring some on my way home." He said, "Thank you, so much. I love you." I thanked, "I love you too honey."

I hung up the phone, "Happy now?" I asked, the symbiote, he showed his head and happily nodded, "Can we watch 'Heartstopper' while we wait?"

"As long as it keeps you quiet." I smiled, putting the show on.

Hours later Shouta walked into the house, both arms holding bags filled with chocolate. "Oh wow," I said, surprised at the amount of chocolate, "Thank you.."

He smiled and put the bags down, "Yeah, thanks babe." Venom spoke, "Was it for him?" Shouta asked, "He likes it." I shrugged, "A bit too much.." Shouta muttered, "Is that all you eat?"

"No silly, I eat people villains too!" Venom cackled, "Ah.." Shouta's face contorted into concern, "And you have to deal with this?"

"Be glad he's eating chocolate instead of civilians." I pointed out, Shouta closed his mouth and nodded, walking to our shared bedroom. "You need to learn to eat what I eat." I told the blob, "Oh shut up and enjoy the chocolate." He mumbled, mouth full of the candy. 

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