What? | Shouta Aizawa

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Request: Oh and what about Aizawa seeing his normally soft and cute s/o fight like a badass for the first time 💀 that'd be so funny

Warnings: Violence (it's a fight yk), guns, shattered glass

Notes: Using my favorite Harley fight scenes from Suicide Squad. You just gotta love her. 

Word Count: 1,167
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"We're gonna need to split up. Need to cover more ground." The 27th ranked pro hero suggested, the mission was to check "abandoned" buildings for villains hiding out and if they were to make sure they didn't have any hostages, there were multiple heroes, some from different countries and a couple soldiers from the army. I nodded my head in agreement, my husband, Shouta Aizawa, globally known as Eraserhead, followed along in agreement.

Everyone paired up with a partner, Shouta and I being designated partners. The abandoned building was an Federal Building, it was declared abandoned just 48 hours ago, villains could be hiding in it, waiting to attack.

Holding Shouta's hand we walked to the elevator, I found a metal pole on the ground and picked it up, "If i don't have enough energy for my quirk by the time a villain pops up I'll be screwed..better safe than sorry.." I thought to myself.

"This is Mirko, everyone head to the top floor. I repeat, everyone head to the top floor." Mirko commanded, speaking through everyone's earpieces. "That'll be the 54th floor.." Shouta mumbled as he pressed the "Top Floor" button. "Aren't you glad we're not walking?" I smiled, he smiled back and leaned on the wall.

I was on the opposite side of the elevator, looking out of it, having a glass elevator is such a nice but stupid design, an accident is prone to happen. Whilst I was consumed in my thoughts a shadow grew on the glass, I looked up and was kicked into the door of the elevator while another figure came through the roof of it.

They weren't villains, they weren't even human, they were grotesque creatures, their bodies black and covered with eyeballs. Although they were creatures they still fought as if they were human. It's a fair fight though, the only problem was that only one of us had enough energy for their quirk.

The creature swung at me, its fist connecting with my face. Before Shouta could make a move towards me the other creature stopped him by punching him as well. My opponent swung again, this time I ducked. I'm not use to fist fighting, my quirk prevents me from dealing with close combat and even then, Shouta is usually the one dealing with the villain if I need to conserve energy. But since this is a life or death moment I have no choice but to try and fight back.

I threw my fist at the thing and pushed it into the corner of the elevator, grabbing its arm I turned around and used up all the strength I could to pull it over my back and toss it on the floor. The metal pole that was knocked out my hands was in that same corner. I grabbed it swung, the creature dodged it causing me to do a 360, facing the corner again the creature wasted no time in wrapping its arms around my waist.

Acting on impulse I used the creature as leverage, leaning against it as I kicked my feet up onto the wall. Using the monster I kept balance as I "ran" up the wall, the force keeping the thing's head low and bent over. I ended up behind it and used the pole to hit it over the head. The creature's head is fragile, one hit from a pole caused it to shatter. Nothing came out of it, it just broke up into rocks.

My body pumped with adrenaline, waiting for another one of those things to appear, I didn't notice Shouta standing beside me, staring in awe and confusion. "What?" I quietly and softly asked, worried I did something that would mess up the mission. Maybe we're not supposed to kill the creatures but immobilize them.

"That..where did you learn to do that?" He asked, genuinely confused. He's never seen me physically train before so seeing me in hand to hand combat was something new. "Impulse?" I said, even though it sounded more like a question. "That's impulse? That's the best impulsive decision I've seen my whole life." He chuckled. The elevator doors soon opened, revealing the rest of the group.

"And that's two more. Nice job Shouta." Endeavor spoke, "It wasn't just me, it was Y/N too." He explained, "Say sike, right now." Mirko said in disbelief, "I didn't think you had it in you Psyc." She smiled leading everyone through the top floor.

Everyone's guard up, not letting a single thing distract them. "Be careful..they could be all around us.." A soldier whispered, not speaking too loudly to disturb whatever creatures might be hiding. "Proceed with caution."

Just as he said those three words, those creatures dropped from the ceiling and surrounded us. Immediately everyone started fighting, not letting a second pass by. There was still electricity in the building, the wires that fell from the ceiling along with the monsters were open, if we're not careful we could get electrocuted.

Looking around you wouldn't be able to see much, it's the middle of the night in a dark building with glass all over the floor, electrical sparks flying, and the sound of gunshots filling the area. I found a gun on the floor, I have absolutely no experience with one, but if my adrenaline is high enough I might figure it out.

In the middle of my thinking on of the creatures punched me and I immediately swung the pole. It ducked down and tried picking me up, I used that momentum to kick my legs up and lock them around its head. As my torso was up I pulled out the gun and pulled the trigger, shooting a different creature that was sneaking up on Shouta.

Doing a 180, I freed the creatures head and it grabbed my hips, pushing them down in front of it. My top half now behind it I pushed it down to bring the metal pole to its neck and locked my arm with it. I leaned back with the creature and shot its friend that was behind us and pushed forward to bring the two of us back up and shot it in its head as well.

I'm assuming it was the last one because there wasn't any more shooting and the group of heroes were staring at me as if I were a creature with eyes all over my body. "What..?" I quietly spoke, "That was so badass!" Mirko shouted pulling me in for a hug, "Uh..thanks..?" Shouta pulled Mirko off of me and hugged me as well, "Let me guess, that was impulse too?" He asked, "It was adrenaline this time." I smiled, "You sure? Because that was too badass to be adrenaline." He chuckled, kissing me on the top of my head.

"Alright love birds! Wrap it up, it's time to go!" A hero loudly laughed. I dropped the pole and gun, taking Shouta's hand going back to being the introverted person I was before this mission.

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