Ten Seconds | Katsuki Bakugo pt.I

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Warnings: Angst, cursing. That's literally it.

Word Count: 1,058
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"Fucking hell..." He thought as you both continued arguing for the hundredth time that day. It all started when a girl came up to him with some baked goods, now, that's not what started the argument, you could care less about other girls giving him gifts but what pissed you off is that she openly flirted with him and was way too touchy for your liking.

The worst part is, that he didn't stop her, he didn't tell her he was in an amazing relationship with the best of the best. I lied if we're being honest here, the flirting wasn't the worst, her caressing his face and giving his cheek a little kiss was the worst. Yet he claims that no matter what the girl does, no matter how many times she gives him gifts, he'll never fold. Because in his words, "I belong to you." You want to believe that but you saw how she was practically throwing herself at him, in front of you.

The argument continued until an unsuspecting Monoma turned the corner. "Bitch Boy! Come here!" Katsuki shouted causing Monoma to frown, "Why me.." he thought as he walked over to the two angry teens. "What." he spat out. "If you were my partner-" he starts before you scoffed, "Oh great way to start the question."

"If you were my partner would you be upset if a popular girl came up to me and gave me gifts every time she saw me?" he asked, "Who cares what he thinks." you harshly spoke. "Honestly, I wouldn't like it." Monoma answered, "I, care what he thinks." you said, smiling at Monoma for being on your side.

"Can I go now?" Monoma asked, not wanting to have to side with either of the two most hot-headed people in UA. "Yeah sure, thanks," Katsuki thanked under his breath. "You win okay, I'll tell her to stop with the gifts," he said, you nodded your head and allowed him to walk you to class.

The next day went by pretty smoothly, that was until yet another argument formed. This time it wasn't just one girl, no, it was multiple girls. They surrounded him after his daily after-school training sessions. You hadn't meant to start an argument, all you said was how you don't like how girls would fawn over him in front of you like you aren't his partner.

Katsuki knew you'd be upset and wanted to tell you he understands how you feel but even when he tells those extras that he's taken they won't leave him alone but something completely different came out his mouth. "Nothings ever good enough for you, is it?" he asked, "Every day it's the same bullshit and bitching about something. Can't you just shut the fuck up for once? Once! That's all I'm asking." he continued.

And that's when it hit him.


"You really wanna talk about bullshit and bitching about something." You hissed, tone harsh and cold. "I'm trying to explain to you how I feel about girls gawking at you and fawning over you like you're not already taken but you wanna dismiss that?"

"Babe no it's- I didn't mean to say that okay." he poorly apologized. "Sure seemed like you meant it." you said under your breath, walking out of the school and to the dorms where the argument continued.

At the dorms the class was sitting in the living room having fun with some students from 1B when Kirishima said something along the lines of, "Is it just me, or did the air just get thick? Like negative energy just appeared", yet he was dismissed. Once the two of you got inside the class understood why Kirishima said those things, and it was true.

"If you guys are gonna argue can you leave? Please?" Sero pleaded, "Honestly, every time you guys argue it makes us anxious, it makes Denki faint, and it even makes Koda cry!" Deku explained. "See, we fight so much even your friends don't want us around." Katsuki spoke.

"Monoma's not my friend, I only tolerate Hagakure's, no one likes Mineta, and Denki's basically a pet." you blatantly stated. "Still, your friends don't want us around. Does that not make you feel any type of way." Katsuki asked. "It does, it makes me upset but it doesn't infuriate me as much as you dismissing my feelings." you voiced.

That right there made the two of you break into the biggest argument yet. Harsh words were thrown, Denki fainted, Koda cried, and some were actually scared for their lives until it all died down when you said, "Fine, I'm going walk out that door and count to ten. If you don't walk out there by the time I get to ten, then we're done."

You walked out the door and began counting,











Katsuki turned his head to his classmates and schoolmates, then back at the door,





His feet slowly moved towards the door, he didn't want to lose you over something like a stupid fucking argument that could be solved with a real apology.



He stood at the door and reached for the doorknob,



He hesitated,



He didn't open it. He didn't come outside with you and walked to the nearest café with you and sat down to talk and apologize for the things the two of you had said to each other prior. He didn't hug you and tell you that you're all he needs and that you don't need to worry about your spot being taken. No, he stood inside on the opposite side of the door.




You then reached out for the handle but quickly retracted your hand. If this is what he wants, then so be it. It's no longer Y/N and Katsuki, or Katsuki and Y/N, it's just Y/N, or, Katsuki.



"Well damn.." Denki softly spoke, breaking the tension, "Kats..wanna join us in Smash?" Kirishima asked, "Yeah..make some room extras." he said like he normally would. "Normally", that's such a funny word, nothing ever be "normal" again. Even though they all hated the arguments they never hated the relationship, it was full of love and comfort but now it's nothing but sadness and sorrow. 

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