Chapter 10

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"Ash," Kaylie cries running into my outstretched arms.

"Hey, little one." I smile as I rub up and down her spine.

She pulls away. "Where's your friend?"

"Sabina? She's not my friend. Now where's Mom?"

"Why isn't she your friend?" Kaylie pouts. "I told you she's a really nice girl."

I suck in my cheeks frustrated. "Some people just don't go along with each other, ok? Now again, where's Mom?"

Kaylie huffs. "She's in the shower. She's been in there for a while already come to think of it."

"How long?"

"An hour."

"Kaylie." I shake my head. "She could be..." I don't finish rebuking her, instead, I run to the bathroom. Heart pounding.

"Mom!" I begin to bang on the chipped door.

"I don't think she locked it."

I glance back at Kaylie who's watching me through fearful eyes.

The door creaks on its hindges as I push it open. Please, Mom, don't be dead.

I find her slumped over the sink, the water still trickling.

"Mom," I whisper, touching her lightly on the shoulder.

She's unresponsive, which frightens me.

"Mom," I choke, pulling her away from the sink and lying her down on the tiled floor.

I gingerly press my fingers to her neck, relieved to find a pulse. Yes, it's faint, but it's still there and that's all that matters.


She appears in the doorway, eyes wide. "Is she...?"

"Unconcious," I tell her. "I need you to get the green pills from her nightstand."

She nods, backing out of the room.

"And Kaylie."


"Bring a glass of water too."

Two minutes later, I get down to work by first forcing Mom's mouth open and placing the small capsule inside.

"Swallow," I encourage her, clamping her mouth closed.

Nothing happens.

"Oh come on Mom, just swallow the damn pill," I cry, pressing down on her jaw and nose. "Please," I add, as a tear rolls down my cheek.

"Should I call Dr. Mark?"

I look over at Kaylie. "No. I just need you to pass me the glass of water."

She does. I quickly open Mom's mouth and pour some water inside. "You have to swallow. You must. Now do it!"

I watch her carefully, my body tensed. I can't lose her, at least not yet. Kaylie still needs her, more than me.

That's when she coughs, her pale blue eyes flying open and focusing on me. "Ashton, is that you?" She croaks.

"Drink," is all I say as I bring the glass to her chapped lips. Once she's done chugging it down, I ask, "What happened?"

"I-I-I don't know."

"How do you not know? Mom, you almost died," I say frustrated.

"Maybe the poison is getting to me for the good," she weakly responds.

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