26 august 1998

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I guess I should start of by introducing myself; hi, my name is Natacha - that's right. Natacha with a CH, and you are probably wondering why on earth would you have a CH instead of SH, well this is because I am Portuguese and where I'm from SH isn't actually a thing.

Anyway, I was born into a middle class white European family, my mum was the eldest of two daughters, my dad however was the second oldest of eight children. Now that I think about it my parents truly are incredibly different in many many aspects of life, and the way the generally behave etc. I was the first daughter and the first grandchild on both side of the family, it's safe to say I was spoiled rotten from the moment I was conceived, expensive gifts left and right and only the best of the best and exclusive for me, I guess you could say I was " born with a silver spoon in my mouth".

Although my birth was a very very traumatic experience for mainly my mum, she would of then given birth twice more after me, she still tells me all the births most horrific details to this day and I have no doubt in my mind that child birth is easily the most painful thing on planet earth.

I have to say that most of my childhood memories are mostly good, of course I remember the odd slap here and there but I learnt my lesson; somehow it worked.

I was born in small Portuguese island by the name of Madeira, if you are familiar with football you will know that this is where Ronaldo is from, the island itself is a bit like something out of a fairytale, the days are long and sunny, the island is surrounded by natural pools and wild sea life, we have the tallest and best mountain in the whole of Europe to watch the sunset or sunrise ( highly recommend if you like taking pictures for Instagram).

Overall I would say I was a pretty happy child, I like most children of working parents started attending nursery very early in life,as I grew older I began attending preschool, now my mum and my dad they like to show off you know? They like to show everyone else that whatever that person has they have bigger and better, so what bigger status then sending your 5 year old to a private nun school!? I admire the way that that school brain washed every student in there to think that we all wanted to turn into nuns when we became of age, well I don't know, might have just been me being a kid or I might have been seriously brainwashed by them.

The school itself was not bad at all, because it was a private school it had a lot more potential then all of the public schools, so I made friends, I felt happy, I was thriving.

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