The move

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So as I stated before, most of my childhood memories below the age of 9 are actually good memories, life wasn't always bad and miserable no I would be lying if I said that, but when I was just nine years old, February 2007, me, my middle sister, mum and dad moved into my aunties house.

Now a bit of background and family dramas which are critical to make you understand exactly what kind of shitty situation we were in as a small family.

My aunty, Pat, she wasn't exactly what you picture as someone who is " decent" you know? She is the kind of person to sabotage everyone else future around her just so she could finish on top, for example, she literally destroyed someone else's marriage and family ( four kids mum and dad) just to be able to have a kid and not have to lift a finger around the house. For those of you who are a little slow I'll spell it out.
My aunty, Pat, had an affair with a married man and a father to four children, she somehow made him fall in love with her and leave his family behind move half way across the world and start a new family with her. This is so bizarre I can't even begin to describe how my stomach turns at the thought of that horrible human being. Sadly it is something so very common.. anyway.

We moved in with them in their tiny two bed room flat, there was 8 of us all together in a very small house with very limited space, now me and my middle sister who is two at the time we were just normal kids we enjoyed drawing or playing with baby dolls or even just sit and watch tv, and while my parents were working their ass off day and night to provide a new and better life for us we were force to stay with aunt Pat. Now I know what you are thinking, we weren't bad kids at all, believe me! I work with kids. I can proudly say that me and my siblings have never ever acted the way the children I look after do. Back to the point we had to stay home with aunt Pat and it really wasn't great, me and my sister were constantly chased around the house and threatened with a wooden spoon so we would sit still all day and not make a sound.

This may sound like there's no harm being done, but as a child who just wanted to play and not sit in front of a screen all day, I just wanted to get out of there. There's more; while she cooked her kids home made fresh meals me and my sister were forced to eat instant noodles or a mix of different frozen foods which were blasted with the microwave heat.
I didn't really mind this I wasn't a picky child and I'll admit that to me at the time these meals seemed harmless but as I got older I began to see how she treated us differently from her own two kids and honestly it's heartbreaking.

I remember in an early snowy February morning, we were left home with aunty Pat while everyone else is at work, my sister who was two at the time was beginning to potty train so the toilet had to always be assessable to her, I watched as she walked down the cold and grey hall way and snuck into the bathroom not long after she yells " I'm donneee" indicating that she needed help to clean up, aunt Pat is fuming at this point I wasn't exactly sure why because she did use the potty as she was told so In my head this didn't add up.

Aunt Pat walked into the bathroom and shut the door behind, for a moment everything was silent then I heard a loud bang and my sister started crying, I shot up from the cold leather sofa and ran down the hall way pushing open the bathroom door, by the time I had gotten there aunt Pat was already holding my sister and had a paper towel pressed over the bridge of her nose.

I asked what had happened and all I got back  was " oh she fell and hurt herself" I couldn't believe my eyes, she reached her arms out to me and I took her and sat on the sofa with her adding pressure to where she had a small cut bleeding over the bridge of her nose. Through cries she said " Pat pushed me Pat pushed me!" And at that moment I knew she would have to do some explaining to my parents when they got home.

Later in the evening my parents were furious to find out their two year old had a badly bruised face and a cut over the bridge of her nose, as always I was blamed for not being there for my sister but I was only nine what the hell were they expecting? I was just a kid myself and I wasn't exactly sure of what had happened.

From that moment onwards anything and everything that happened with my sister was always somehow my fault and I began to grow resent towards my sister, I would always try and keep my distance and was definitely not affectionate towards her, I resented having a younger sibling and I resented that my parents preferes her, over me.

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