chapter 17:Hiding the tears in my eyes..

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There's gonna be some mentions of cults and murder. Along with some mentions of sexual abuse. This is a time skip to days later at Travis' return to the church. Travis' POV

I still haven't spoken to Sal. I don't think I will. I don't know what's going on with me, maybe it's the depravity of any sort of homoromantic relationship, depravity of sex, or jus the fact that there's still this weird connection with him that's inexplicable. There's just nothing to describe it. It feels supernatural. Sal is just a weirdly good but achy feeling I can't let die. Even as I am here, in front of this crowd of people, those who watcher me grow up and disband from the church. I swore to never return. I felt a hand on my shoulder, the feeling cold and harsh. It felt like a rough punch in the gut. I glance over to Father, whose giving me a death stare. It penetrates my soul. His words are a blur and I barely comprehend them. He explains that I've 'found my way to God, and away from homosexuality'

It's quite funny. The man whose told me how wrong homosexuality is, the man whose tortured me for my sexuality, the man whose supposedly a man of God, is a sort of fag himself. I remember the first time it happened. I was 13. I had just started to mature and grow into a young man. I heard from all of the older ladies at church that I was such a "handsome boy". I was in my bed, doing homework. It was nighttime and Father had just gotten home from what he said was a church meeting. As he came into my room he reeked of alcohol. I shivered as he spoke and lied as still as possible. "T-Travisssssss, y'know you're so beautiful, just like your mother." I felt a hand roam onto my body. I try to shake off the rest of the details. This continued for haunts me not just mentally but physically. No matter how much therapy I go to, it doesn't shake away the bruises on the roof of my mouth or the grips marks on my thighs.

I look onto the crowd once more, trying to seem less fearful. They cheer and clap for me, and by the time it ended,  I was so exhausted and ready to go. But apparently Father had other plans. "Son you aren't leaving yet, it's time you learn what you're apart of." "I promised you one lousy appearance, nothing more." "You don't choose that, I do." He yanked my hand to lead me down to the basement of the church. I watched everyone in there light up with some sort of sinister smile.  I gulped and shook it off. Father gripped his hands over my eyes and said something in a language I don't understand. It was awhile before he removed his hands. Once he did I took a large look into the group. Everyone was cloaked and covered and they surrounded a small area that contained a pedestal, that held up a book with a candle near it. I started to panic as Father pushed me forward.

"Now now Travis, I am so proud of you for making this decision, for rejecting the prophecy, and joining us. The child of abomination was very tempting I understand, and I forgive your small mistake." I began to panic more and lost my breath. "W-WHAT?? WHAT IS THIS? SOME SORT OF CULT? I-I CAN'T-" Father placed a blade with sacred writing on it. "I'm not asking you to do anymore than lure him to his death, or find a way to stop him and his little group of sinning misfits. The Devourers of God cannot be stopped by this freak. I tried to kill him and failed miserably, but you, you Travis can lure him here." I stood there with my mouth agape and stared at the blade. "Will you help us or not?" My heart pounded as my brain completely scattered around my head. I stared back up at Father. I began to shake as I spoke. "I-I'll do it...."

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