welcome to section 13

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Attack on Titan original universe on the year of 850 on tuesday November 22th at 11:31 am

Trost district, wall rose

Trost district scout HQ courtyard with nifa, Reiner, hitch, Connie going to section 13 for first time when mikasa walk up to the group got Pikipek on right shoulder blade and said in kindness, "have fun on a tour at section 13, guys."

Connie: "thanks mikasa."

Then all of sudden medium red oak door right front of them in six feet away with mikasa walk up to the door and begin open up really wide to reveal Madison Square Garden hallway with juvenile Godzilla run sack the foods.

Make them scare when juvenile Godzillas stop run sack to look right to see Connie and the group from outside of the door

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Make them scare when juvenile Godzillas stop run sack to look right to see Connie and the group from outside of the door.

Mikasa: "wrong room!"

One of them drop bags of popcorn to the floor with mikasa grabbed the handle quick begin closed after that and then she started knocked the door twice and begin open the door again really wide to section 13.

Mikasa: "that's was close one."

Pikipek: "piki, Pikipek."

Mikasa: "you said it buddy."

Nifa & her group begin walking through the door to section 13 with mikasa closed the door after that and disappear in a flash.

Mikasa: "let's check on Armin and the others doing at supplies room alright buddy."

Pikipek: "Pikipek."

Section 13 with nifa and her group are surprised to see section 13 for first time while being underneath the whole San Francisco in Jackie Chan original universe.


They saw Serena Yvonne in regular blue shirt got lighting symbol at the middle, cargo shorts with pokebelt around beltloop, and sneakers. Got two types of earrings in right ear as she approach them with a smile on her face and said, "you must be the scout and 104th cadets what commander Erwin Smith talking about. I am Serena Yvonne the former performer, pokemon trainer, and right hand woman of captain black."

Nifa: "I'm nifa."

Reiner: "name Reiner braun. Very nice to meet you, Serena."

Hitch: "how it's going, I'm hitch dreyes."

Connie Springer: "Connie Springer at your service."

Serena: "ready for a tour in section 13."

Hitch: "you know it, Yvonne."

Serena: "radical. Let's tour of section 13 begins."

[New chapter is out for today]

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