||Gotta be sneaky||

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A few weeks after Mikey returns from dimension x.

||Mikey's pov||

"You mom would of love this outfit huh Crystal" i said in a soft tone. Crystal babble to Mikey holding his finger. "Hey you can't eat that, it need that" i said letting out a small giggle and smile. "MIKEY! COME ON LETS GO!" Raph yelled. Patrol? But it's Sunday, we have Sundays off. I pick up crystal and crack my door open "but it's Sunday!?" I said. Donnie walk towards my door. "Didn't Leo tell you?" Donnie said. "Tell me what?" I said. "There has been more krrang every since YOU went into dimension x. So we don't have Sunday off anymore" Donnie explains. "Oh sewer apples" I mumble.  I don't have anyone to watch crystal, I would usually ask leatherhead  but he's out of town. "Uh go without me, I'll catch up later" I said. I quickly shut my door. Crystal started to cry "hey hey it okay shhhh" I said in a soft tone.  I guess I'm skipping tonight, hopefully they won't be to mad at me for lying to them.

A couple hours later my brothers came home. I was

In the kitchen preparing some milk for crystal. "You'll catch up huh" Donnie said with sarcasm. "Where were you Mikey? We needed you tonight" Leo said with a little angry in his voice. "Something came up" I said.

"Something came up huh, I think you just didn't wanna go patrol" Raph said. I rolled my eyes, Donnie look down at my hand. "Since when did you start drinking milk" Donnie asked. "Ever since orange juice started to hurt my stomach " I said.  I mean that not told lie. Ever since I left dimension x there are certain things I just can't eat/drink anymore.  I grab the bottle a walk to my room. "Mikey" Leo said  "yeah" I said. "Your not keeping anything from us are you" Leo said. "No.......nooo what never" I said . I quickly walk to my room locking the door behind. Crystal reach out for Me. "I bet someone hungry" I said picking crystal up. "Hey you go" I said feeding crystal her bottle.

My brothers can find about you, they would return you to dimension x all alone. Nobody to take care of you.

"I love you crystal goodnight " I said. I kiss crystal forehead and lad her down. I went too sleep.

I woke up to crystal crying. I pick her up and hold her, "what time is it" I mumble. I look at my phone, it 4 in the morning. I remember that I have to go get a crib form mono. It was his when he was little, let's see if he's up.

Charming_orange: hey mono you up?

Slid3_g3cko: yeah.

Charming_orange: do still have crib.

Slid3_g3cko:yeah you still want it?

Charming_orange:yeah. Can I pick it up later today?

Slid3_g3cko:yeah that find.

Charming_orange: great! Thanks mono ttyl

Great now crystal doesn't have to sleep in my bed anymore. but I still have to get more formula, I mean I guess I can go now and take crystal with me. I just gotta be back before 8. That's the time Leo wake up. I put crystal in my baby carrier and I grab my  nunchucks. "Wait were is my mask?" I asked myself

I look down at crystal. "Crystal can I have that back please" I whisper  I sigh. "Find you keep that one and i just get a new one" I whisper. I grab a new mask and headed towards the market.

||Donnie POV||

It was probably around 4 in the morning, I was in my lab working on something. When I here something come for Mikey's room. I peak out my room to see Mikey sneaking out. Mikey? Sneak out? Him? That a first. I grab my staff a follow behind him . I heard him talk to someone but no one's was there. " It a long walk to market Huh Crystal" I heard him say. Crystal? Who's crystal? And the mutant market it's not open. This early, unless he going top side. He wouldn't go without us. He went topside without us. when I came up after him , he caught me. "Donnie why are you following me?" Mikey asked. I look down and see him carrying a baby dragon. " The better question is who is this, and why are you sneaking out this early" I said

"Well..uh um" Mikey saids. "it's this the secret you were keeping!?" I yelled. I yelled a little bit to loud, and the baby dragon started to cry. "I'm sorry d but can you not tell the others. Leo wouldn't make me side her back " Mikey begged. "Mikey you 15 you can't take care of a baby, you can barely take care of yourself " I said. "See this is exactly why I didn't tell you" Mikey said. "Look d made a promise, she staying with me" Mikey said. "Michael I'm going to have to tell the others" I said. "Donnie please " he said with puppy dog eye. "Aright aright I won't tell anyone " I said.  "As long as you promise not to keep anymore secrets" I said. "Okay I promise "Mikey said. "You probably wanna get to that store before 6" I said. "Oh right, thank d you the best brother I can ask for" Mikey said. "Oh wait, you mind watching her well I go to the store?" He asked.. "yeah sure " I said. "Thanks again d" Mikey said as he walk off. "So how long have you been staying with us" I said. Crystal  responded with a lot of baby babbling. I went back to the lair and I went in Mikey room. Because my lab is to dangerous for a baby. "Aright how hard can this be" I said.

What do baby's like again.....OH peek boo.. "peek a boo" I said. She gave me the side eye. "Ok not a peek a boo person" I said. When is Mikey going get home.

40 minutes later.

Mikey walks into the room. "oh thank God, I think she hate me" I said. "She doesn't hate you dee" Mikey said here can you take this in the kitchen for me while I feed her" Mikey said . "Find but don't get used to this" I said. "I won't now plz hurry up before Leo and Raph get up" Mikey said.

||Mikey's pov||

I'm kinda of debating if I can trust Donnie with my secret." I made a promise to Donnie to no keep anymore secrets, but this secret I have is a deep on" I whisper to crystal. "How do I till them that I'm 17 not 15, and how do I tell them about you?" I said. I burp crystal and put her down for a nap. What time is it now? 7 am. I gotta get ready to go make breakfast. I walk back into the kitchen a little Tried. Raph walk in. "Leo what are you doing up so early" I said yawning a little. "Did you get enough sleep last night Mikey?" Raph Said. "Yeah why?" I said. "you just call me Leo, I'm Raph". Raph Said. "Oh sorry, so what kinda eggs you want"  I Said. "What I want is for you to go to bed" Raph said. Are i'm sure that Raph, because Raph wouldn't say something like that. "What no I gotta make breakfast " I said.  "Look I'm not the kind of guy to say this ,but as you big brother. I don't want you burning something " Raph.  Oh there his is. "And your the youngest. You need the most sleep, so get going" Raph continued. "But y'all can't cook you need me" I said " I think we can manage without you " Raph said pushing me towards my room. "Go to sleep"Raph said shutting my door.  And what I did I got some sleep.

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