This Is How the World Works

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"Why....Why did they leave me here..."

Those are the words going thought the mind of one Izuku Midoriya an hero in training going by the hero name of "Deku" as he is going thought hell by the heads of the LOV after he was kidnapped with his childhood "friend" Katsuki Bakugo Because when the heroes came to save them the only saved Bakugo due to seeing Midoriya as a weak loser who always breaks his bones even his hero the one who gave him his quirk in the first place All Might.

"Well well well have you finally made a chose Izuku Mydoriya." Said Tomura Shigaraki 

"I will never join you."Said Deku as he looked Shigaraki in the eyes

"Tch fine but you will break soon master will get what he wants". Shigaraki said as he walked away from Deku's cell.

As Shigaraki leaves deku alone he was left to his thoughts as he remembers what All Might said about him. 


"We got young Bakugo let's go!" Yelled All Might

"Well ain't you missing someone." Said All for one 

"I don't think so" Said All Might as he and the other heroes were just about to leave

"well maybe this will jog your memory" Said All for one as green lighting danced around him

"So you killed that weakling Midoriya huh.?" Asked All Might  

"Well let just say that he in a safe place now." Said All for one

"Tch fuck that damn fucking deku." Said All Might out loud


After remembering what happened he cried himself to sleep.


As he wakes up all he saw was pitch darkness as he walks around trying to find anything 

"Hello...Anyone here?" Izuku Asked to no one in particulate

"Welcome user 9th" Said a female voice

"Huh who said that?" Asked the One for all user as he looked around to find the origins of voice came from

"Over here kid" Said the voice as deku turned in the direction of the voice

"Who are you?" Asked an confused Izuku

"Well my name is..."

"Nana Shimura the 7th user of One for all" Said the newly dub Nana

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"Nana Shimura the 7th user of One for all" Said the newly dub Nana

"Oh hello Miss Nana" Said Midoriya as he walked up to the float user

"I just want to say i'm sorry for everythin Toshi said about you." Said Nana

"Oh it's fine." Said Deku with a fake smile

"No it's not!" Yelled Nana

This shocked Deku because not that many people defended him

"Come on it's time to meet the others" Said Nana as she dragged Deku to an unknown location

"Others?!?" Asked Deku

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