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"Eris, I swear to the Mother if you hurt her-" Lucien snarled, baring his teeth, as he pushed the tip of his dagger deeper into Eris's porcelain skin. A droplet of crimson red blood sliding down the column of his throat.

The sight of it had you moving on instinct.

In seconds you had moved away from the dagger Eris had pressed against your throat, disarming Lucien and pressing his own dagger against the sun tanned skin of his throat. Fae—mating—instincts coming to the surface, you growled and then whispered two words deathly soft into Lucien's ear, "Watch It."

You pulled back, still keeping the blade against his throat and looked at him. His face had blanched and his eyes were wide with fear or shock, you weren't sure.

You blinked once and saw yourself through his eyes and blinked again and you were looking at him through your own eyes again. His eyes were still wide, but now you knew it was mostly fear. He knew you wouldn't actually kill him, though now he knew you definitely could if you wanted to by the you had the knife angled at his throat.

Lucien had finally realized it for the first time in that moment, that you weren't all talk, that you would and could kill. You scoffed. Flipping the dagger in your hand so the handle was facing him, "Enjoy the Rite." You told him and handed the dagger back to him.

He took it and sheathed it.

Behind you Eris chuckled in amusement. Though not at his little brother but at your antics. Turning around to face him, you took one step towards him, but stopped. He had a look in his eyes as he took you in that you couldn't describe, "What?"

He shrugged, "Nothing," but you noted the way his pupils dilated when his eyes met yours again. Then he held his out for you to take.

A silent invitation.

Before you could even take a step Lucien's hand was gripping your arm and a growl ripped its way out of Eris's throat—possessive and protective. Your eyes never left your mate, not even as he glared at his brother.

Lucien sighed once he realized you weren't going to look at him, "I know I can't stop you so. . . be careful, Y/n. He's not safe."

But you didn't want safe, you wanted him.

You still didn't look at Lucien as you ripped your arm free of his hold, "I'll see you tomorrow, Lucien. Enjoy the rite." Your voice sounding sharper than you intended, but this would likely be the only night you would have with Eris, your mate and you were wasting time.

Making your way towards Eris, he was still glaring at his youngest brother when you finally stood before him.

He was the most beautiful male you had ever seen. Dressed in Autumn Court colors, his clothes—all dark wine red with gold threading, all finely made—cut close enough to his body that you could see how magnificent he was.

Anyone with eyes could see that by the way they clung to his muscular body. Eris wasn't bulky with muscles he was more so lean. His red shoulder length hair dancing in the night spring breeze like living flames. And his amber eyes seemed to be gifts from the sun as they both glowed the same shade of gold.

You were standing so close that you could feel the heat radiating off his body and take in his scent. It was intoxicating—cedar, citrus and crackling fires— invading all of your senses and before you could even stop yourself you were in his arms.

He was so tall that you had to stand on the tips of your toes to wrap your arms around his neck. Not even a second later you felt his arms immediately wrap around your waist. Holding you to him.

One second you were standing in fields of the Spring Court, the next the world seemed to fold in on itself as you winnowed and now you were standing in a cabin. Your body wanted to stay near him but the years of training that were drilled into you had you pulling away taking in your surroundings. Eris seemed to still as you looked around, "Where are we?" you asked.

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