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Disclaimer: This chapter takes place in the past.

"I was enchanted to meet you.."


October 22nd, 2019 (past)

"HURRY UP EM WAKE YOUR ASS UP!" were the first words I had awoken to this morning from my oh so "lovely" bestfriend Maria. They had decided to bring it upon themself to spend the night at my house for the sole reason of waking me up for our first day of sophomore year. Hence why Ria is currently screaming in my ear. I mean, to be fair I'm not much of a morning person and have made it a tradition to show up around at least 30 minutes late to school every day...and that's on a good day. Can you blame me? A girls gotta get ready; and THIS  kind of beauty can't be rushed. I reluctantly opened my eyes, sleepily trying to blink the blur away unsuccessfully before grabbing my phone to see what time it was; the screen reading a blurry '5:00'. "Jesus Ria its 5 a.m. why on earth are you waking me up?!" I tried to shout but it came out in a hoarse whisper due to my dry throat from a lack of water. Maria let out a soft laugh shaking their head slightly before beginning to explain the thought process behind their actions to my very tired, and now somewhat aggravated mind. "Ana, lets be honest we both know you take around an hour and a half--" they paused not finishing their sentence, now looking me up and down with a menacing look. "Scratch that, 2 hours to get ready for school with how rough you're looking today; and I wanted to stop by dunkin on the way to school so we need as much time as possible" Maria finished with a toothy grin. I gasped dramatically throwing a hand over my chest and making it a point to throw in a fake offended look "I'll have you know anyone else would be appreciative to wake up next to me" I stated in a matter of fact tone.

I rolled out of bed almost faceplanting on the floor ignoring Maria's snort and making my way to the bathroom to do the essentials; y'know brushing your teeth, washing your face, gay panicking over any human you see on instagram that is most definitely way too old for you- the totally normal not at all severe mommy and daddy issue thing to do! Once I was done with the boring naggy side of my morning routine it was finally time for the fun part- PICKING OUT THE CUTEST OUTFIT POSSIBLE! I settled on a cute white floral crop top, baby pink sweater, some blue low-rise jeans, and my trusty black converse; making sure to add on the cute necklace maria had bought me for my birthday last year. I snapped a quick photo to post to my instagram story before heading out with maria.

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Maria and I walked out of my house into the calming warmth of the sun, basking in the comfortable silence between us. One thing I love about Maria is that it's always comfortable with them no matter what the situation is and there's never any judgement between the two of us. We have been best friends since the third grade when they punched a boy a year older than the two of us straight in his teeth for picking on me..Ria has always been more straight-foward and aggressive than me, but thats what makes us workout so well! 

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