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Disclaimer: This chapter takes place in the past.

"Give me something that'll haunt me when you're not around 'cause I see sparks  fly, whenever you smile.."


Wednesday, November 7th, 2019 (past)

It has been two weeks since Cait and I's first encounter at the Dunkin Donuts. We have been talking nonstop on instagram, sending each other funny memes and just talking about random dumb stuff no one else would probably ever talk about...to be honest I love it; I am free to be my unfiltered, unapologetic self with absolutely no judgement around her.

It is currently 11:15 in the morning and I have just woken up...thankfully we don't have school today because the first Wednesday of every month our school has all day teacher conferences. I was peacefully washing my face as I do every morning, when all of a sudden I heard a continuous buzz coming from my phone. I quickly turned off the sink water, bubbles still on my face and shook my hands dry picking my phone up right after. When my eyes scanned over the screen I saw an instagram notification that read; Incoming FaceTime from C.clark22

I panicked, wiping the remaining contents of the soap off of my face and standing my phone up on the sink in front of me, before pressing the 'Answer' Button. Once the call connected I was met face to face- or rather screen to face- with a sweaty Caitlin Clark in a black skin tight crop top paired with gray sweatpants; her soft brunette hair up in a loose ponytail with many fly away's framing her face. She had most definitely just got done working out. I pulled my bottom lip in between my teeth, chewing on it slightly, as my eyes took in and processed the whole scene in front of me. Before any thoughts could cross my mind, she broke me out of my thoughts with her sweet and smooth as honey voice. "Goodmorning beautiful" she said breathily due to what i assume was her just finishing her workout. She was smiling her ethereal bright smile that had tended to make me wonder if this was a dream or reality the few times I saw it. I can't comprehend how one can be so truly breathtaking.

I quickly shook the thoughts out of my mind, realizing I have to answer Cait sooner or later. "Shut up Cait. what do you need? you never call me." I laugh out, picking up my phone and swiftly walking into my room plopping onto the bed lazily. "Me and some friends are going mini golfing-" she paused searching for the right words to use, averting her gaze nervously. "I guess I was kind of wondering if you would like to join, y'know since we haven't gotten the chance to hang out in person yet"

I stared at the brunette on my phone screen weighing out my options. I mean, yeah, on one hand I would love to hangout and get to know Caitlin on more of a personal level, but there was a sort of comfort in talking strictly online. Online I'm safe from making any embarrassing mistakes and safe from actually falling for this beautiful girl. Honestly, though I would never verbally admit it; I'm scared of commitment and I'm not sure I'm truly ready for something serious. I just don't want to get hurt*

I snapped out of my trance and look back at Cait only to see her staring straight back at me with the most excited looking puppy dog eyes. I don't want to disappoint Caitlin, especially not when shes looking at me with that expression, making her look even more adorable than usual. I sigh as I muster up the courage to begrudgingly accept her invitation. "Ugh fine, but your paying! Now would quit looking at me like that, I get enough puppy dog eyes from my ACTUAL dog." I say light-hearted sarcasm lacing my words. 

Third Person POV:

Caitlin smiled, taking the small victory and replying before the latter of of the two girls could change their mind. "Great so, I'll pick you up at two then?" She replied cheekily, her smile never faltering. "um, well I-" Emiliana began, getting cut off  "Great see you then, be ready!" Caitlin rushed out her words, abruptly ending the call not giving the now dumbfounded Ana a chance to finish her sentence.

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