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"So that's it

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"So that's it. You did good today" sid praised me as we wrapped up today's session.

"Thanks. All credit goes to you" I grinned and set aside all the books and notes which mainly consisted maths and physics.

"Don't mention. I was just helping. It was you who did all the work" he shrugged.

I chuckled. He was never good at taking compliments.

"Still, If it wasn't for you I would've failed long back" I expressed my gratitude.

I was on the brink of failing both maths and physics papers. I couldn't imagine what I would've done if he didn't propose to tutor me. Honestly I owe him my life.

"Ah it's nothing. You just needed some practice" he reassured as he ran a hand through his hair.

I carefully watched the movement through my computer screen as my heart thudded against my chest. Simple actions like these made me fall for him even more.

I have been crushing on him ever since he proposed to tutor me. I was an average student but he never made me feel that way. He was always so caring and patient. He understood what I needed and never expressed his disappointment whenever I got stuck on a problem for a long time. He let me take my sweet time and gently corrected my mistakes whenever I made one. I still make mistakes but not as frequently as before.

The day I finally got 92% on physics and 90% on maths, I was over the moon. I looked at him with tears in my eyes when I collected the papers from my teachers. He made me realise that I was not just an average student and helped me slowly build my confidence.

I was a girl who never cared much  about studies till I entered college. I tried to pass with minimum marks in all my papers and my heart broke each time when my bench mates scored much more. I don't blame them for getting more. They put much more effort than me and thus got their desired results. They deserved it.

The insecurities started pouring in when I was in second year. Whenever I tried to score as much as them, the opposite happened. My mental health got worse as the days went by.

I felt beyond embarrassed when my physics and maths teachers shouted at me in front of everyone in when I scored much less than usual. I thought my world needed that day until the saviour himself offered to tutor me.

I felt my throat getting constricted as I thought of those days. He saved me from falling into depression because I was that broken and thought  education wasn't meant for me.

I blinked the tears away and cleared my throat to speak." Are you free now? Perhaps we can get some ice cream"

I waited for him to answer as I regulated my breathing. I wanted to do something for him after how much he had done for me. Ice cream wasn't much but I had only little money now. I would treat him to something big in the near future after I  get my pocket money for next month.

He raised his brows at my question.

"Yes. Come please. I want to get you something. I will be really happy if you accept"

A chuckle left his lips and he nodded in approval."Sure"

I jumped in delight." Great. Send me your address"

"No. It's late. I will come to your house. Just text me your address" he suggested.

A slight warmth filled my chest. How can someone be so considerate? The girl he marries will sure be the luckiest person in the world.

I smiled." Okay"

He mirrored my smile." Great. Can't wait"

I blushed as I spoke." Bye"


Butterflies filled my stomach as I disconnected the call and sent him my address and tossed my phone aside. I finally let out a squeal and jumped on the bed. I hugged the nearest pillow and let out another squeal into it. I can't believe this is happening.

I tossed and turned around in the bed waiting for him. About fifteen minutes later the door bell rang. I jumped up and ran towards the door.
I combed my hair with my fingers and adjusted my breathing.

Seconds later, I opened the door and was greeted with the most magnificent smile.



Hello everyone!! Hope you enjoyed this one. I had little time in my hands and came up with this idea. Honestly who wouldn't want a sidharth in their lives?

If you like it please vote and comment. It helps me to write more.
Have a great day!


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