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I greeted the now familiar cashier as soon as I entered the store which looked quite empty, which should be because it's quite late at night.

He turned to me and smiled in acknowledgement."Hey you"

I smiled back and headed straight towards the snack aisle which is far left from other aisles.

My mouth instantly watered looking at all the various snacks arranged neatly in its shelves. This is seriously heaven.

This aisle was quiet and empty except for one person at the end of the aisle, presumably a guy, busy on his phone.

I turned back to the items and and scanned the big racks for the blue lays. My favourite of all time. I swear I could taste its flavour at the mere mention of it.

My eyes gleamed when I found it but soon became disappointed to see it on the top most shelf which was literally a mountain away for a person like me.(I'm 5'2 by the way)

Shit. How am I going to get it.

Cursing my luck, I stood there, hoping it would magically fall on my hands. I sighed looking down at the floor.

Obviously it won't fall by itself.

I looked around again and found the guy on the phone, now, squatting down searching for something. Maybe I could get him to retrieve. He looked tall enough. He was my only option as there were no other people in here.

I can ask for help from the cashier as well but the poor guy looked worn out, possibly from working all day long. I pity him. It's not easy stand all day.

I took a few steps but stopped when I noticed an empty cart beside him. Shit. I need to get one myself.

I swiftly turned around and went the entrance of the shop where all the carts were aligned. I pulled one out and it scrapped against the floor rather loudly. I cringed as the sound rang out through the quite store.

I reached the snack section after a few seconds and saw the stranger or rather handsome stranger scanning the biscuits which was in the same aisle.

He is very tall indeed.

I nearly choked on my breath when he turned around, I assume after hearing the squeak of my cart, and grinned at me before focusing on his task again.

Holy shit. He is one fine guy.

I hesitated a few seconds before I spoke finally."Hey can you help me for a sec?"

He turned around once again and spoke in his velvety voice."Sure. What is it?"

He looked like a young guy but his voice was a little deep for his age. It's not a problem though. I like guys with deep voices. It makes them much more attractive in my opinion.

I pointed to the top shelf. "I need that lays packe-" the remaining words got caught in my throat when I noticed the blue lays missing. Where did it go? Wait. Was there only one? Why didn't I notice it before?

I looked at the other flavours that were racked in abundance. Red, green, orange even yellow one was there but not blue. Not even one. Maybe it was at the bottom?

The guy was still staring at me so I pointed at the green one carelessly." I need that one. I can't reach it."

He nodded and set aside his cart which had many items inside. I watched as he picked the packet with ease and handed it to me.

"Thank you" I placed it in my cart hesitantly. I guess I'll have to buy it in another shop. But at this time...

He chuckled. "It's okay. Do you like the green flavour?"

"I-i do like it but not as much as the blue one." I pointed out.

"Same, but I guess-uh they ran out of it tonight" he reasoned but I sensed a bit of hesitation or it was just me.

"Yeah" I smiled warily.

"Don't worry. They'll restock it tomorrow" he encouraged and got back to his cart. I nodded as he turned around with it and exited the snacks aisle.

Damn. He's leaving already.

I grinned but froze as I caught a sight of blue in his cart when he disappeared out of the aisle. Could that be.... No. It may be something else. A lot of products are of blue colour. But.. I'll recognise that blue anywhere.

I hesitated but after a few seconds I erased those thoughts away and concentrated on buying the other things which my mom requested. Like that twenty minutes went by. By the time I exited all the aisles, the time was nearly ten.

Quickly, I strode to the checkout and the cashier scanned all the items and finalized the bill.

"Three thirty" he informed and quickly got a paper bag and stuffed the items inside and I caught him placing a blue lays after my billed items before handing it to me.

"I didn't pick the blue lays " I frowned in confusion.

"You didn't but the guy checked out before you told me to give this to you and you don't need to pay.  He's already paid for it."

Oh. It was him.

I blushed and bid the cashier a good night and exited the store. I picked the packet from the bag and my eyes fell on something written on the front

"No need to thank me but if you still want to-" I read aloud and gasped in surprise. It was his number written next to it.

Cheeky rascal.

I giggled and blushed all the way to my home.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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