Chapter 15 : Truths Untold

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As the car slows to a complete stop, you and Jungwon automatically sit a little taller in your seats to adjust your outermost layers. The simple task proves to be a little more challenging than you initially anticipated as one of your hands is clutched tightly in Sunghoon's. His fingers are intertwined so profoundly with yours that the tips of your fingers are beginning to tingle and turn white. Even then, you don't have it within your heart to tell him, knowing that the prince is still brooding with residual traces of the conversation that last took place at the castle. The hybrid prince has refused to let go of you ever since everyone piled into the car, opting to cling to a source of light during this time of uncertainty

"Need some help, beloved?" Jungwon chuckles under his breath softly when he notices your dilemma. You nod gratefully and the prince reaches over from where he's sitting next to you to fasten the top button of your wool coat. Since it was established that you would be searching the library with Jungwon, Heeseung gave up his original seat in the car next to you to the younger prince, facilitating the ease of your exit, just as planned.

"Are you sure you want us to drop you off this far away from the library? Jay can drive one block closer to save you from the longer walk," Sunghoon asks with a permanent frown resting on his lips as he glances out the window and up at the night sky. It's still early evening, but with the winter season at its peak, the dark blanket up in the atmosphere above almost looks equivalent to that of the midnight sky if not for the lamps lining the streets. Deep down, Sunghoon curses the development of the city since the last time the princes were here thousands of years ago. Back then, the buildings were all quaint little shops. But now, all of the buildings loom over the cityscape making it harder for him to keep an eye on you from afar.

"All done," Jungwon nods once in approval to confirm that you're nice and warm before leaning back and searching your eyes. He doesn't need to say anything aloud to let you know that it's ultimately your decision where you get dropped off.

"We'll be alright, Hoonie," you reassure, turning to the fretting prince and gently kissing his cheek. "The walk isn't that far. Plus, if we get any closer, it'd be difficult for the rest of you to enter separately without being seen together."

"But how do we even know that we're being watched right now?" Riki points out earnestly. The youngest prince is immediately shushed by the fox-like prince sitting next to him with a gentle nudge to his ribcage.

"Don't give Sunghoon ideas when he's in his weird funk right now," Sunoo warns in a hushed murmur.

"We're just taking precautionary steps, Riki-ah," Heeseung reasons. "We still don't know what we're getting ourselves into, so it's better to err on the side of caution, right?"

"I suppose," the youngest shrugs.

"Don't worry, Sunghoonie. I'll keep the princess safe; I promise," Jungwon adds affirmatively, offering the hybrid prince a comforting smile.

"And if the library's layout hasn't changed too much, we'll all meet at the secluded corner in the back in 30 minutes," Jake adds.

"Great, so then it's settled," you confirm, turning to nod at Jungwon who immediately opens the door. The prince climbs out gracefully before leaning back in to extend his hand as an offer to help you out of the car. But just as you peel away from Sunghoon, the hybrid prince pulls you back in once more.

"Stay safe, sugarplum," he whispers endearingly, his gaze locked deep into your eyes. His eyebrows are pinched together ever-so-slightly with worry and you itch to soothe the tension in his muscles.

"You too, Hoonie," you smile, leaning forward to leave him with a parting kiss on the lips before finally joining Jungwon. Your small display of affection seems to do just the trick because when you pull away, there's a light smile threatening to pull on Sunghoon's lips. 

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