Chapter 19 : The Buddy System

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"That's a pretty mark on your neck, little one." There's a knowing smile curled onto Jay's lips the moment you enter the dining room. The five older princes are gathered at the long rectangular dining table, previously engaged in a casual conversation before your arrival. "But I don't recall seeing it on you last night?"

"It looks oddly Riki-shaped, if you ask me," Sunghoon comments. The therianthropic prince leans in close to examine the fresh bite mark when you choose the vacant seat next to him. His breath tickles your exposed skin and your cheeks flare a bright scarlet red. The youngest prince, who has chosen the vacant seat on your other side, hovers close to you and clings loosely to your wrist with one hand. "It's just me, Riki-ah. I won't hurt her," the older prince chuckles when his gaze catches the prince's grip.

From across the table, Jake and Sunoo watch you apprehensively, expressions muddled with concern. There's a lingering trace of guilt coursing through Sunoo's veins each time he's reminded of how you cried in his arms after your training session yesterday. The prince can't seem to shake the feeling of the sobs that raked through your body and sent electric shocks into him that almost hurt just as much as losing you. For Jake, there's an ugly gnawing feeling eating away at him internally. The pyrokinetic prince had offered to keep you company last night when you mentioned you were retiring to bed. When you declined, he began to worry that you were upset with him. Truthfully, you had just wanted some time alone to fully process the events of that afternoon, but your declining of his offer had left the prince tossing and turning in his own bed into the early hours of the morning.

"I see our youngest is still ever so protective of the princess after a fresh bite," Heeseung smiles almost proudly, easily picking up Riki's habits just as easily as Jungwon had back in the youngest prince's room.

"You say that as if you aren't just as bad," Jay snorts, sending the older prince a pointed look.

"I'd say he's even worse," Jungwon corrects with a hushed giggle. "Heeseung always gets so possessive after a bite. He'll never let us out of his site, almost like he becomes our shadow; hovering over us constantly – for you especially, princess."

Something within you piques with interest. He'll never let us out of his sight. Your thoughts begin to reel as you wonder what Heeseung looks like doting on the younger princes. And you can't help but giggle when all you can imagine is a lost puppy following Jungwon around all day long.

"Well, I think it's endearing," you coo, maneuvering your hand to intertwine your fingers with Riki's instead. The youngest prince blushes and Heeseung almost falters when you send him a toothy grin. "I heard that there was something important for us to discuss this morning?"

The princes all share collective glances, most appearing just as curious as you are. When no one speaks up, everyone turns to look at Heeseung whose gaze has yet to leave you.

"Heeseung? Did you want me to take this one?" Jay chuckles almost teasingly.

"Huh? S-sorry," the eldest flushes as he glances away from you and blinks a few times to clear his thoughts. "Jay, Jungwon, and I spoke yesterday while the princess was having her training session." Heeseung begins and you miss the way Jake sends you another guilty glance. "We realized it might be in everyone's best interest if we limit our appearances in public."

"What?" Sunoo deadpans, expression set into a slight frown.

"We're going to be confined to the castle again?" Riki asks almost sadly. Your heart aches when you hear his sullen tone, almost as if he were afraid.

"No, I do not stand by this," Sunghoon shakes his head stiffly, eyebrows pinched together in disagreement. "It'd be like we were cursed all over again."

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