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" Mommy I wanna meet my hubby now "

A cute little silver head boy from Busan sitting on dinning table having his dinner continually talking nonstop to his mother and father his dad chuckle at his sones talks

Tae: dadda don't Lough I wanna meet my hubby don't you want to meet your son-in-law hann

Mr.Kim: No I don't

Tae: see mumma how is your hubby don't want to see your son's marriage

Mrs.Kim: he is just kidding bub don't take him serious you know him na

Tae: yess but tell him that I will marry my hubby one

Mr.Kim: He don't even know you how he can marry you I'm saying leave that though and focus on your studies got it

Tae: hump* mummaaa

Mrs.Kim: why are you saying this to him do you want him to be sad

Mr.Kim: I'm only saying the truth nothing else okay my dinner is done I'm going good night tae

Tae: night....mumma I'm also full

Tae stand up and leave the place sigh and do all the dishes and get in her room
Mrs.Kim was in her shared room Mr.Kim was laying on bed using his phone she sit beside him

Mrs.Kim: Tae is really deeply in love with Jungkook can't you do something

Mr.Kim put his phone down and look at Mrs.Kim

Mr.Kim: What I can do in it I'm just an employee in his company he is my boss what if after that there will be my last day in the company I understand Tae's feeling but he have to understand too jungkook is not good for him he is cold and what if he say something to tae his heart will Brock in million pieces and as a father I can't see him broken that's why I never take him with me in office

Mrs.Kim: I can understand but what we can do

Mr.Kim: we can do one thing

Mrs.Kim: what is it!

Mr.Kim: he have to marry someone else

Mrs.Kim: WHAT!! You know na he will never agree with that he only want to marry his hubby he will never agree I know him

Mr.Kim: but why we have to tell anything to him I have a friend his son is perfect for our tae I'll talk to him tomorrow in office his son is Bogum I am sure he will also like our tae we will do there marriage as soon as possible then he will be happy in his married life and he will forgot jungkook I'll take to my friend tomorrow hmm..

Mrs.Kim: I only want him happy nothing else

Mr.Kim: Don't worry he will be happy with Bogum I know that boy he is well behaved and I think they are perfect for eachother now I think we should get some sleep it's getting too late hmm good night

Mrs.Kim: good night

Tbh Mrs.Kim was not happy with this decision but she have to agree it for Tae's happyness they both slight into there dreamland

On the other hand

Tae was in his room laying on bed looking at jungkook's poster which was everywhere in his room teare were falling down from his eyes while keep saying something in low voice

Tae: no one understand me hubby only you listen and understand me sneff* I want to meet you hubby they say you will not marry tae but my heart say that you will marry me sneff* and I know you also love me so much as I do sneff* I'm right na hubby you also love me na........ don't worry hubby you don't have to wait much I'll come to you as soon as possible and I promise after meeting you I'll never let you go and I know you also don't let me go away from you I am right na hubby just wait a little If they will not take me then I'll come by myself hmm

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