Ch:15 (M)

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Yoongi look at the bouquet and then his eyes lift up only to see jimin standing with a smile Yoongi smile back and step towards jimin tbh jimin's heart was like boom boom but the beautiful smile never leaves his mochi face

Yoongi stand infront of jimin and suddenly kneel down

YG: ok so I'll say in short...jimin Will you marry me??

Cheers were the only thing that could be hear jimin nodded multiple times and accepted Yoongi's proposal

Tae look at kookie and smile

Tae: I'm happy

JK: me too baby plus you are looking damn hot ahh I can't wait for tonight

Tae: why what will happen at tonight??

Jungkook smile and said

JK: nothing you'll see at night

He said with a wink tae pout with a huff jungkook smile and kissed his pout away

After receiving so many wishes and gifts and having there meal all relative's leave now only family members and our newly married couple were there taekook have to leave for there honeymoon tonight as it was evening right now and there was some time to leave

Jimin: So tae are you ready for tonight

Tae give me confused look

Tae: Why what will happen at night and why I should be ready for it will hubby do something

JM: ohh my innocent Bestie you'll see soon hmm

Tae: why everyone ( not everyone ) is telling me the same what will happen I wanna know right now

JM: tae it's better if you'll see rather then to listen so stay calm for sometime

Tae: hm I hate you

JM: ohh ok no problem you'll love me after Tonight

He smirk , tae give me angry looks jimin gulped and leave from there to save himself

After sometime now it's time for Taekook's flight they greeted bye to there family and friends

Mrs.jeon: bye my dear son-in-law please come as three

Tae: as three??

JK: ahh n-nothing baby she was just joking

Mrs.Jeon: yeahh is it a joke to you I mean it

JK: I know

Mr.Jeon: Bye My both sons enjoy and stay safe yes son's be safe and take care

Tae: Don't worry eomma Taetae is there na everything will be ok you don't worry

Mr.Kim: the problem himself saying

Tae: What appa!! Say it again

Mr.Kim: Bye Bye Jungkook and tae enjoy well take care

JK: bye everyone take care

Tae: Bye everyone please miss Taetae

They chuckle at there cute Taetae

Jimin: Bye Bestie jungkook use protection

Tae look at jungkook then at jimin then again at jungkook

Tae: what protection hubby?

JK: nothing baby I love you

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