Ch: 2

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He was watching peacefully but get angry when the girl who was taking kook's interview start flirting with him Tae's blood boil while clenching his jaw

Tae: how dare she I'll not leave her

Tae stand up and hold his lamp in his soft hands and was ready to smash it on TV and Brock it in million parts due to jealousy but his action was stopped when his mom called his name

Mrs.Kim: What are you doing tae?

Tae flinch and back his hand looking at his mom like nothing happened and silently put the lamp down

Tae: nothing mom cough*

Tae said and cough at last acting like a sick boy with red nose yeah before come he put some blush on his nose and cheeks so that he can look like sick tae's mom come inside with a Trey in which the Bowl of soup was placed he slowly go towards his bad his mother give him the bowl of supe

Mrs.Kim: do you want me to feed you?

Tae shack his head then Mrs.Kim ask him again and again tae shack his head

Tae: no mumma I'm a big boy now I can eat by myself

Mrs.Kim: yeah I know your are 18 now but no one can tell looking at you that you are actually 18

Tae: everyone know me now let me eat I know jimini will surely come to ask why I don't come today and when he will saw me having some food he will eat it complete and you wouldn't let me have my strawberry milkshake

Mrs.Kim: yeah yeah stop talking and have your soup I'm doing some work if you need anything call me hmm

She said and live not before kissing his forehead tae smile and having his soup while making face

Tae: haa tae infront of mumma you said that you will finish it before jimin come but haa jimin come and eat it I don't wanna eatttt

He said in crying voice and slowly slowly he finished his soup while making such faces while eating and watch his hubby's remaining interview

Tae: haa one day I'll be sitting beside you and answering questions like you Hubby hmm I badly wanna see you Dada never take me with him he is so meine

Tae put the bowl on the side table he turn off the tv and grab his phone he was searching all about jungkook like where he live , what he like or dislike but his eyes land on a question which was " What Type Of Partner he likes " he tap on that question and read the answer his eyes wide when he got to know what kind of partner he wants and the answer was

Jeon jungkook don't like childish people he like mature person who understand him and who is not same as his age or not much younger then him he doesn't care if he/she is beautiful/handsome or not and the last but not least he won't like to fell for anyone except his family he says that Jeon jungkook can't fall in love

Tae's Pov:

I was so shocked after reading which kind of partner he like and what If I'm 18 and he is 26 still and who said he can't fall in love han I'm damn sure when he will saw me definitely fall for me I'm Kim Taehyung bro ohh no no not bro hehe Take two I'm Kim Taehyung Hubby nobody can ignore me or there is no one in this world who can stop loving me just wait and watch how I'll make you fall for me

Tae's Pov end

Tae was talking to himself without noticing time he stop when he heard a knock on his door he look at the door and said

Tae: Come in

His eyes was on the door untill he saw a not so small figure coming inside his face light up when he saw not other then his Bestfriend

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