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It was early morning tae open his beautiful ocean eyes first and blush when he find out the position he was laying on the top of Jungkook while jungkook was tightly hugging even when he was sleeping

Tae looked at jungkook and adore him silently

Tae: you are so so handsome hubby

JK: but not more then you baby

Tae eyes wide shocked when he saw jungkook staring at him

Tae eyes wide shocked when he saw jungkook staring at him

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Tae: you were not sleeping

JK: how can I sleep when I have this much beautiful human beings in my arms

Tae: leave me I wanna fresh up

JK: you can go later now I want to sleep more

Tae: then sleep who is stopping you

JK: but how can I sleep without my precious baby without holding him in my arms tell me tell me

Tae: uff hubby you are such a baby

JK: if I'll get more cuddles then yes I'm a baby

Tae: my baby

Taekook smile while adoring eachother

Tae: now get up you have to go to office too my sleepy hubby

JK: I don't want to I just want to stay like this whole day

Tae: me too but we can't so get up otherwise

JK: otherwise!!

Tae: you have to sleep on the floor not even on couch so be a good boy and get up fast

JK: you are so bad I hate you

Tae: I love you too hubby

He was about to get up but jungkook pull him back

Tae: now what?

JK: where is my morning kiss

Tae sigh and kiss kook's cheeks and blush jungkook look at Tae's lips when tae look at him

Tae: what I gave you want you want

JK: I don't want here

Tae: then

Jungkook looked at him and pointed on his lips

JK: here

Tae: what aishh I'm not doing it

JK: why baby

Tae: because I don't know how to kiss

He said with a blush looking nothing just cute and tbh jungkook could've died on it he look at Tae's lips then his eyes and flip tae now he was on the top

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