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2 years later.

Minji was welcomed by the dark room and silence. She carefully made her way to the common room, turning on the lamp on her way. She glanced at her watch. It was past midnight. Her wife and children were definitely asleep.

With a glass of wine in her hand, Minji sat on the chair in the kitchen. She caressed her temple, hoping it'd ease the tense. She sipped the liquor slowly, letting it wash her dry throat.

Slowly, her research started to find a light. She'd been working day and night in the lab doing the project for more or less a year now. A little more hard work, she was sure, it was there, she was getting there.

She leaned at her back, eyes wandering around the room. The view of the triplet's photo on the fridge constricted her chest a bit. She missed them. When was the last time she spent time with them? Two weeks ago? Last month? When? What did they do? What was the last story she read for them before sleep? Was it The Little Mermaid? Beauty And The Beast? Or was it Donald Duck? She forgot.

Don't even start on when was the last time she made love to her wife or slept beside her for that matter. It had been ages, she believed.

Instantly, she felt like she was the worst mother and wife on earth. The guilt ate her alive. She quickly shook her head, swallowing her drink in one go and then poured another glass.

She rested her head on the kitchen island as she started to drive off to sleep.


Something poked her leg. She ignored it as she adjusted to a more comfortable position. Her back, arms and neck were aching but she couldn't care less. What she needed was sleep.


The sudden scream jolted her up. Her head throbbed painfully. "What the f-" She stopped herself in time when she saw Aorta and Venous, with the biggest smile on their face, staring at her.

"Aorta, what are you doing?" She gave him a disapproving look.

"Don't yell at home.”

Those smiles faded gradually but Minji didn't notice that. She had to put the wine back to its place before the kids' curiosity kicked out.

"Dada home late again? Venous wait long." The little girl rambled. She was excited to see her Dada.

"Dada needs to make money, Venous." She answered curtly. Her head felt heavy, she badly needed sleep. Her mood was bad due to a rude awakening.

"Otherwise you couldn't get all those toys and meat."

"What did you say?" Another voice joined the conversation.

Minji turned to see her wife standing near her kids with an obviously unhappy face while her arms folded in front of her chest. Hanni squatted down to Aorta and Venous level, asking them to wake their brother up. They slowly walked out of the room with a dejected heart.

"Their behaviour is getting out of my hand." Minji put the glass in the sink then washed her hands.

"You have no right to talk that way to my children." Hanni warned her.


"You ask for them, Minji. Not the other way around." Hanni gritted her teeth.

"They don't understand what you do. What they want is your time. Only your time. They miss you, we all do."

"Hanni, I have a job-"

"You are not a doctor inside this house, Minji. You're their mother, you're my wife. Start acting like it. And guess what? Your arrogance is not valid here. You're tired with your job? Then quit, I can make money, too." Hanni said coldly.

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