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Ten years later…

"Your Dada and I, we didn't like each other in the beginning of our relationship."

"What?! How?" Venous genuinely surprised.

"It's impossible!"

"It is not, Baby. It happened, it was real." Hanni laughed at the shock expression on the triplets' faces.

"But Dada and Mommy are always all over each other, it's almost sickening! I mean it in the nicest way."

"You guys want to hear about it?"

The three nodded eagerly.

"As old school as it sounds, even in our era, her parents and mine tried to matchmaking us because they thought that we were compatible with each other. We didn't see anyone at that time. We are both busy with our career. Romantic relationship was the last thing that I had in mind, probably the same with her. Around three-four days after our first meeting, I moved to her apartment because it was near to the hospital. She was incredibly annoying—"

"She still is." Artery said jokingly, earning a nudge from his brother.

"Yes, she still is but that time, it was worse."

"Then why did you stay?" Venous asked curiously.

"Honestly? I had no idea. It just happened. There were times I felt like giving up. She was really introverted. Sometimes I didn't know what was in her mind. It was frustrating and tiring to figure out someone you didn't really know, because you won't know how to act or what to say. Our story is not like something you watch in the movies or those books. Our love has grown, even till now, it has never stopped growing. We learn, we fight, we argue, we make it up, but at the end of the day, we never want to be apart from each other."

"But Dada loves Mommy very much." Aorta commented.

"Vice versa."

"That, we do. We really do." Hanni chuckled.

"It's really funny how life turns out for me, especially. Before I met your Dada, I never thought that someday I'd sit in the living room with three amazing kids of my own. I thought I'd be spending the rest of my life in the court with law and clients. Dada and the three of you are the real magic and the greatest that ever happened to me."

Aorta, Artery, and Venous blushed at the compliment.

"Who asks to marry who?"

"What's with your sentence, Artery?" Venous looked at her brother weirdly.

"What important is Mommy's answer, Venous."

"Dada did." Hanni smiled dreamily remembering that certain night.

"Candle lit dinner? Or somewhere romantic?"

"Really?" Artery rubbed his chin.

"Dada is not a romantic."

"The meaning of romantic depends on the individuals themselves, sweetheart. That night, I thought the way she proposed was not romantic at all. Now, I see it from different point of view. So Dada asked me in the middle of the night when we were about to sleep. No make up, no fancy dress, nothing. Out of the blue she asked me 'where do you see us in the next ten years?" Hanni caught her breath.

"I said, basically, that we're together with our kids doing domestic things together. Then she pulled out a box under her pillow, I swear I heard her heart beat so fast it was audible." Hanni laughed wholeheartedly.

"She didn't actually ask, because if it was a question, it should be something like will you marry me, right? By what she said that night was 'please say yes to forever with me. Without question mark."

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