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The silence was deafening. Minji refused to get closer, and when Hanni tried to shorten their distance, she moved away.


"You never learn!" Minji yelled, making the other flinch.

"How could you do this to me?! I trust you! Why did you do this behind my back?! Have I not done enough for you?!"

Hanni didn't say anything. She bit her upper lip, suppressing the tremble as she looked at her lover ranting like a mad woman.

"You know exactly what she wants from you. Why can't you see that, huh?! Are you really that blind?! She's trying to destroy us and you let her!"

"No, she's not. You're the one who tries to break us apart." Her voice cracked when she said that.

"Did you hear yourself?!"

"Stop." Hanni exhaled a frustrated breath.

"Stop yelling at me. The babies are asleep. I want to talk to you. This won't solve anything."

Minji turned away. With her hands on her hips, she tried to keep herself together. Anger, disappointment and fear had fused into one. It was confusing and painful.

"Minji, look at me, please.

"I need a break." Minji caressed her neck in an attempt to ease the tension.

"I'm a mess. I can't think. I don't want to hurt you."

"What do you mean break? You don't get a break in marriage, Minji. Break means divorce. You— you can't possibly— no. Y-you-"

"No." Minji lifted her head, facing the wall.

"It's not that. I need time out. I need time to think and figure everything out."

"Do you still love me?"

"I do. This is not the best moment of our lives. Maybe, there are things that I have not understood about you, me. We'll work on it but now, I want to be alone. Just let me be."

"You can't even look at me anymore." Her chest felt so heavy. The pressure was too much. She didn't know where Minji stood. Explanations would be useless. She won't listen. Giving her what she wanted was the best option, at least for now.

"So you'd walk out from this house? Or you want me to go?"

"Neither." Minji held the doorknob.

"I'm not willing to compromise my children. They don't deserve it. I'll take the spare room." Then Minji left. Hanni finally let the tears fall. Was it really a huge mistake? She didn't do anything wrong. She never even had a meeting without other people in the room. She was being professional. She didn't cheat on Minji. Why did Minji accuse her, treat, blame her like the bad guy?

Maybe, Minji didn't love and trust her as much as she claimed.


She had calmed down.

It was almost dawn and she was not even a little bit sleepy. It was horrible to lay on this bed or any bed without her wife beside her. The emptiness was horrifying.

"You're the one who tries to break us apart."

The more she thought about this specific sentence, the more confusion she got. Why her? She didn't do anything. The fault was not hers.

What did Hanni mean by that? Right, she probably should ask earlier. She was so angry wouldn't bother to hear Hanni's reason, to let her explain. The classic, stupid and selfish mistake she always made.

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