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3rd POV

The three kings and a still passed-out Yara arrive at the castle where everyone else is waiting to meet their future Queen and hopefully the princess as well. 

Jane and Alec were more excited than everyone else. When they first met Yara, before she became pregnant, they felt a motherly bond. Soon after Yara gave birth, they sneaked out of the castle and went to see Yara, without her knowledge, and felt a sibling bond with Kumani.

They told the three kings what happened and they couldn't be anymore happier. The love of their life, their mate, has a motherly bond with their two kids and a sibling bond between Kumani and the twins.

Those were the best days of the twin's life. Now they can see their mother and Kumani again. When the kings arrived, the twins were happy but were also disappointed. Their mother was here but Kumani wasn't.

"Where is Kumani?" Alec couldn't help but ask. The last time he saw his sister was when she was born. "Marcus continues to carry Yara to the room they made for all of them while Aro and Caius stay behind to answer Alec's question.

"She is currently with the Cullens who are her mates and her daughter Renesme" Alex and Jane nod. They don't want to take their sister away from their mates but they also want to see her.

"Don't worry my dear children. Once your mother and sister accept the fact that they are ours and Kumani accepts her mates and daughter then we can see them." Aro announces with a smile on his face.

The twin's faces brighten up. They couldn't wait. Hopefully, it will happen sooner rather than later. "Now, we will see you all later, right now we have to take care of your soon-to-be queen" With that both kings walk away.

Yara POV

The feeling of fingers running through my hair awakens me from my sleep. My eyes open only to see Marcus smiling down at me with his fingers in my hair. My body shot up from its lying position. My eyes swept over the room and instantly recognized it.

This is the room they put me in the first time. Fear fills my body as the realization hits me. I'm never escaping. A hand places itself on my shoulder causing me to flinch and move away from it. Marcus with a slight frown on his face retracts his hand back to his side.

"I am sorry Il mio more for scaring you but there is something we need to discuss about." My head shook from side to side not wanting to be here. "I n-need to leave. Kumani needs me." I tried to push past him with my body shaking in fear but he stopped me and set me down on the bed.

"Mia Regina, you have to calm down." Calm down? How can I impossibly calm down knowing my chance of escaping and getting my daughter back is slim to none? I felt my heartbeat quicken, my palm started to sweat, and my head got dizzy causing me to gasp for air.

The next thing I know, my body is against Marcus's body with my face in his neck. His scent, a mixture of old books and leather, hits me like a ton of bricks helping me calm down. My breath starts to slow down and my heart calms down.

Without my consent, my body starts relaxing. Despite not liking this situation, I knew, deep down that this was what was needed to calm me down. That doesn't mean I want to be with him or anything. Marcus starts to play with my hair as my body relaxes more.

The sound of a door opening causes me to tense up knowing who it is. "Mia Regina, as much as I like seeing you relaxed around my brother for once, we have a lot to discuss about." Aro took a seat by the window keeping his eyes on me. Caius on the other hand decides to stand next to the door.


"We're going to get straight to the point. Why did you run away from us and go with that. . . Vile man?" I glared at Aro for calling my deceased husband vile. "He isn't vile. Thank you very much. Second, you all kept me trapped here against my will and have the audacity to get a witch so I can have your children while human and vampire!

You all did this without my consent. Not only that you kidnapped me from my home where I had a loving and supportive husband who treated me better than you three ever will!" I scream. I was finally getting all of this weight off my shoulders and I felt semi-free.

"That husband isn't here to 'love' or 'support' you. You have your three mates who will give you everything." Cauis says sending me a glare.

"This is what I am talking about! You all don't treat me right! You all control me like I am some type of puppet. I can't do this, I can't do that. I can't even make my own decision without one of you trying to control me. And the audacity of talking about my husband like that."

I pushed Marcus away facing him. "How would you feel if I called your deceased wife vile?" Marcus tensed while glaring down at me. "Yeah, that's what I thought. You don't like it, do you? How do you think I feel?" Nobody answered.

"He was my husband. The father to my child and you killed him. My baby girl was depressed to the point she couldn't even eat. She starved herself. I was depressed as well but I had to worry for my child who was decaying away.

As you all say you haven't hurt us. Not physically but mentally, you all tore us to pieces. Pieces that we are still picking up until you all came out of nowhere. We were better without any of you in our lives."

"Do you see my point now? All of this is not right. If you all did things the right way then I might've willingly become yours without an issue. But nope. You all had to cause so many unfortunate things in my life. So now you have this person. The person who despises every single one of you with a passion."

It was once again silent. Suddenly a sharp pain went through my heart causing me to grasp onto my chest. "That's you rejecting the mate bond. We feel it too but one thing about us, we're not rejecting it. You're stuck with us forever. Whether you like it or not. We will let you be and get accustomed to your new home."

As they walk past I mutter something under my breath. They stopped and turned towards me. "What did you say?" Caius demanded glaring down at me. I glared back ten times harder.

"Fuck you"

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