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Every time dealing with
these ungrateful disasters
Life now seems to be hell!
The more negativity around
life gets that harder to live.
Few things distract me very badly
which leaves a sorrowful impact
over a while.
Sometimes, some things just
Agonize me to the point
Where I cry my heart out,
The moment where only sobs
echoes the empty room,
where warmth is replaced by cold.
These are the moments when I realize
that there's no one, whom I could rely on,
with whom I could share my pain,
Who'd be by my side
and comfort me when I cry.
The only thing I can do is give out a smile
and say that I am fine
even though I carry a lot in my heart
Because no one had ever tried to understand how it feels.
In this world, people would be by your side when you're happy
and when you shine,
But in your darkest days
and in your lonesome moments,
they'd act like they've never known you.

~ Mira.H

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