13. the trueth before the pandavas

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That night.

Arjun stood on his balcony, lost in thoughts.

His curly hair danced with the soft brese that blew through .

Something was terribly with bhrata suyo . but what? Since morning, he had been noticing bhrata trying to avoid gandharraj. Yes, he was once their mamanshri.

But after they knew how the evil uncle tried to kill their bhrata bhim, they only addressed him thus in front of the elders. If you ask if the pandavas hait them, no. they're not one of a kind to hait anyone so easily, thanks to their grate jyesht yudhishtir.

Though, the pandavas remained alert for the newest ploys of gandharraj Shakuni, litraly spying on him to protect their own dear life.

Arjun cied and looked at the full moon that shone brightly. The moonlight and the stars had always intrigued him. unlike his bhrata Sahadev, he did not know to read the stars. But he did know that they were beautiful, if you look at it for a few moments, you would find yourself getting lost in the constalations, their twinkle giving you a piece you could get nowhere.

Arjun wanted to find out what was wrong with bhrata suyo, just curiocity.

But, he had seen wounds in his hands. Also, bhim, who had passed by suyodhana's chambers last night had told him this morning at the common chambers wherein all rajkumars and rajkumaris met, he herd sounds of sobs from suyo's chambers.

"I was confused, you know?? He was so Irritating and arrogant that I never knew he had emotions within himself'. Bhim had said.

"bhim". Yudhishtir's stern voice had cut him off, midcentance.

"he is human too. He has all the rights to feal what all of us feal. His life is not as you think it to be.". yudhishtir had said, and to everyone's surprise, yudhishtir was furious for some reason. Nobody in their entire lifetime had seen yudhishtir furious, let alone slightly angered for any reason.

At lunch, everybody Except nakul and Sahadev had little. Madhav had litraly refused to eat butter and drink curd.

Oh what a fate.

Arjun thought , a small smile creeping onto his face.

"are you teasing me , parth?". He herd a soft whisper . he turned around but saw none there. It was as if madhav's voice was being carried , carried by the winds.

Arjun shook his head, letting it all rest as his halusinations.

At dinner today, he had noticed bhrata suyo alright but avoided looking at gandharraj . when gandharraj had Addressed him as his knefew, duryodhana or suyodhana had gotton so furious that he litraly threw a glass full of water at gandharraj, but unfortunately, it fell on bhrata karn, who looked Exasperatedly at him.

Duryodhana had stopped eating and had left the room, not paying heed to any of his elders and his mother.

Arjun noticed yudhishtir giving death glares to gandharraj who shriveled and gulped hard.

he looked at madhav. His face was , as usual, calm.

After they had all done eating, bhrata karn litraly threw the chair down in hurry and ran to the quarters of bhrata duryodhana.

Arjun breathed out again before he went inside their common chambers.

Nobody had arrived till now. He and his bhratas had decided to sleep together today.

They wanted to experience the same Nostalgic days they had in the forrest.

Arjun lay down on the already prepared matress and he didn't know when he drifted off.

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