part 14

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unknown lady-hey!
chocol-um, i know you? Her face seemed weirdly familiar. Could she be one of my fangirls? Did she follow me here???
unknown lady-come on, you know meee...we met earlier today.
chocol-hmmm...I turned around confused and tried to give halo a sign to save me. But then she grabbed my shoulder and came closer to my face and said. At the aquarium, earlier were with my ex, Ria.
chocol-huh. surprised by what she just said i turned around immediately. what do you mean, ex??? ria?
she nodded and smirked, she is my ex. she said proudly.
unknown lady-you two are just friends, right? i started zoning out. "ex?" she never mentioned an ex before..
unknown lady-its nothing official at least, am i right?
i was too stunned to speak, i just nodded. everything around me was blurred, her excited voice was slowly fading away.
unknown lady-aaaah what a relief, i was so worried for a moment. her face lit up immediately. i finally snapped back to reality.
chocol-if you don't mind, i will head out now.
unknown lady-ohh sure, no problem—i bumped my shoulder into her as i walked away with halo.

halo-what was that all about? she said as she lit up her cigarette.
chocol-uuugh, some girl i met this morning. she's saying that she is ria's ex girlfriend...
halo-whaaaat, but ria never dated a girl before...
chocol-right? thats what i thought as well. even if she did she would've told me. i said as i looked frustrated in halo's eyes.
halo-hey, i think that drink is hitting, she laughed. dont get upset too fast, call her later today and talk to her about it, i am sure it's nothing.
i nodded and we continued smoking.
after a few minutes we headed back in and went for another round of drinks.
chocol-hey, can you look after my bag? i have to go to the bathroom.
babysleek-sure! she grabbed it and kept it in her lap as she continued cheering for the band.

heading towards the bathroom i could barely feel my legs, the lights were flashing in my eyes and the music was so loud that my ears were ringing. after a while of struggling to walk i finally made it to the bathroom. as i walked in the bathroom seemed to be empty.
hmm odd, i said as i walked in a toilet stall. not shortly after, i heard the door open, the loud noises quickly spilled in followed by a pair of  slow footsteps. she walked, walked, walked then stopped right in front of my toilet stall.
huh? what the— those shoes again... i got out immediately and pinned her against the wall.
unknown lady-aaah, what is wrong with you?
chocol-you, again. what do you want from me?
unknown lady-nothing, what are you talking about??? irritated at what she said i moved in closer.
chocol-you keep following me everywhere, stop. i stared deeply in her eyes, i was furious.

thats when mini walked in.
mini-Chocol? Cho— she immediately pulled me off ria's ex. What are you doooing???
unknown lady-she is crazy! the ex yelled as she stormed off angry.
mini-chocol, you are far too drunk. come, let's go home. i helped me walk out, everyone was waiting by the car.
halo-what's up with her?
mini-she drank way too much....something happened in the bathroom, we can talk about it later.
halo-aaagh, okay.
babysleek-let me help you put her in the car. she picked me up and put me in the passenger side of haechi's car. make sure she gets home safely, she smiled at haechi and they all headed to yeni's car.
haechi-yup, no worries! haechi got in the car and laughed as she buckled up herself.
haechi-you are such a trouble maker, arent you?

i was long passed out but we got home quickly. she helped me get into my apartment, placed me on the bed, changed my clothes and made i was cozy.
haechi-there, there. she said as she tucked me in. my phone started ringing, it was ria. oh fuck!
she picked up the call.

haechi-heeeeey! haechi?
haechi-yeah, chocol is a bit drunk...soo
ria-oh, you went out???
haechi-yes, with the whole crew. did she not tell you?
ria-nope, but thats fine. just let her know i called when she wakes up, please.
haechi-yup, no problem!

they hanged up.

haechi looked at me and sighed. HEY, WAKE UP!

i woke up startled.
haechi-what do you mean, what? what happened in the bathroom and why didn't you let ria know you went out.
chocol-aaaaagh, did she call??
haechi-yes, it's so unlike you. did something happen??
haechi-does it have to do with what happened in the bathroom?
chocol-what, what happened there?? i got up fast out of shock.
haechi-do you not remember?? mini told us all on the groupchat, she saw you all over this girl in a fur coat.
chocol-whaaat? FUCK, NO! it really wasn't like that.
haechi-what was it then, are you and ria okay??
chocol-yes, yes. i mean not but i wasn't cheating, i swear!
haechi-what happened then?
chocol-she is ria's ex, she kept on following us around today, it was odd. she keeps on popping up in random places, it creeped me out so i just yelled at her to leave us alone.
haechi-yelled at her after you pinned her to the wall?? your face was so close, mini thought you were making out—she started laughing.
chocol-aaaagh, she got it all wrong! i love ria and that lady....she creeps me out. something is weird about her.
my head suddenly started hurting, aaagh, i said as i held onto my head.
haechi-okay, okay, you need to rest now. i will talk to the others don't worry. make sure you drink the water i left on the nightstand. see you tomorrow!!

she turned off all the lights and left.

the next day i woke up with a hangover and my phone was buzzing like crazy.
50 missed calls from ria.

Unknown guestWhere stories live. Discover now