Lost in Translation

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It caught her off guard when the words slipped out of her mouth.

But it felt like her own body had betrayed her.

"So... that assistant of yours... Karin? How long has she been working with you?" Sakura asked, absentmindedly twirling a pen in her hand. She was sitting on Sasuke's kitchen countertop, flipping through her notes for her final exam.

Sasuke was lounging in the living room, his attention fixed on the TV. Tonight was going to be their third date, the night they would officially become a couple. Yesterday, he had taken Sakura to a fancy restaurant and it had gone well, so he had insisted on another date the following day. He couldn't wait to spend more time with her, and luckily Sakura had agreed.

His mood instantly shifted when Sakura mentioned his assistant, Karin. He didn't really pay much attention to Karin, but it was clear that she had a crush on him. It wasn't surprising to Sasuke, as he was used to receiving attention from women. However, the main reason he had hired Karin and why she was one of the few women in the office was because of Naruto.

Sasuke hadn't been the one to make the final decision in the hiring process, as Naruto had taken care of that. Apparently, Naruto and Karin were distant relatives, and Naruto had asked for a favor. The story Sasuke had heard was that Karin had been working for someone named Orochimaru, but he had been arrested for illegal activities. Karin was in need of a job, so she had turned to Naruto for help. When Sasuke had met her, he could tell that she had eyes for him and would occasionally try to make advances.

Of course, Sasuke had rejected her. She wasn't exactly unattractive, but there was something about her that made him uncomfortable.

He had initially thought it was a mistake to hire her, but surprisingly she had proven herself capable. She handled the paperwork, scheduling, calls, and meetings efficiently. As long as she did her job, Sasuke didn't mind having her around. He tolerated her constant flirting and longing gazes.

It only bothered him until he started getting more involved with Sakura. He was concerned that maybe Karin would attempt something, especially considering how obsessed she was with him. He thought that perhaps Sakura would handle it more calmly and not be affected by it, but it wasn't until she broke the silence in the apartment.

Sasuke glanced back to find the girl with pink hair staring at him, "Hmm... Why do you want to know?"

Wrong question.

Sakura scoffed, arms crossed, "That's the first thing you ask? Let me ask again, how long has she been working for you?" Sakura cringed at herself, realizing how jealous she sounded.

Sakura was now angry.

And... jealous?

Sasuke smirked, adjusting himself on the couch and patting the empty seat next to him, signaling for Sakura to sit down.

"She started working here a few months after the company began. She's been with us for a while."

Maybe a little teasing won't hurt.

Sakura sat down beside him, arms still crossed, "Oh? So she's been there since the beginning. How sweet. Have you ever flirted with her then?"

Sasuke couldn't help but wonder if something had happened between the two girls. Trying to lighten the mood, albeit unsuccessfully, he teased, "Should I be worried about a catfight breaking out in the office? Can't say I wouldn't be a little flattered."

Bad idea.

"Seriously? Sexist remarks again? What is wrong with you?" Sakura was growing annoyed now. She just wanted to ask her questions and be done with it.

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