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(4th and Final day of vacation)


Ryleigh's POV:

My eyes flutter open from the sound of the waves crashing in, coupled with multiple chirps of tropical birds.

My right hand involuntarily moves to find the spot at my ear that I would rub while scratching my throat and pulling up my nose....

As I'm about to create the sound that annoys so many people but gives my sinuses great pleasure, I realize I'm entangled in Jor.

*Jor?...you love out and f*ck out to the max though conscious*

Say that like joke...

I look down at the scene of us.

He's shirtless and on his stomach as per usual, with his hands cupping my p*ssy, his leg across my left ankle, his face on my tummy....

.... one single boob resting on his head– spilling out of my silk top. My left hand trapped between us both in a very awkward position, while the cotton sheet is woven between both our bodies at random angles.

*Yuh cya even feel it*

Realizing I can't feel most of my hand for real, I twitch... causing him to stir a little before snuggling right back into the very same position.

I smile at how comfortable he is wrapped up in me.

My eyes wander off to the rest of the room where I can see that we f*cked it up.

*Hadddd a tiiiiime...*

The bottle we brought in from the yacht is placed wrongly on the wooden floating shelf...

The bite sized sandwiches and a slice of half eaten pizza are thrown onto the mini bar. On the whiskey bottle is what seems to be a spliff– also half burnt.

I giggle, unable to keep my happiness in and guess wah? it wake him.

"Hmm," he groans.

That's right, done a boy stamina now! A coulda when?

*You sound like me though*

His hand that's cupping my p*ssy tightens and I squeal before lightly slapping him.

Turning slowly, he rolls out of our body web, to lay on his back.

"Cya remember when last me drink so much... or behave so wild," his lips curl up into a smile.

I cackle out, from the memory of last night.... or early this morning ...whatever yuh wah call it.

"You know you dance?" I get out through crippling laughter.

"Dance yuh f*ck and DJ," he joins the laughing frenzy.

"Murdaaaaa! No team cya wul yuh enuh Drip. No Ravas, no Highflames," I decide to tease him.

He turns to look at me before flicking the nipple of the breast that's hanging out, "Shut the f*ck up. I'm deleting everybody's videos," he laughs "Unuh nahgo clown out man ting yerr?"

*Me say the man say him affi ketch eh looney toons*


I can't even continue mocking him, the laugh stuck ina me throat! and tears a full me eye!!!

Cya breathe!!!!!!!

"Bad man yah me wife enuh. Yah hurt me feelings yo," I watch him fake pout, while folding his arms and shaking his head– staring at the ceiling.

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