A Knight's Vow

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Before the world awoke, in the quiet hours of dawn, Zayn, a knight renowned for his skill and unwavering discipline, rose from his modest bed. His room in the barracks was a testament to his straightforward approach to life. The walls, bare except for a single tapestry, depicted the proud lineage of his clan, a family of celebrated warriors. His bed was a simple affair, a sturdy wooden frame with a well-worn mattress that had adapted to his form over countless nights.

Dressing quietly in the dim light of dawn, Zayn's routine was practiced and precise. He chose a tunic of forest green, reminiscent of the deep woods of his childhood where he had first learned to wield a sword. His trousers were sturdy and functional, suited to the daily rigors of a knight's life. As he secured his sword belt, his mind, unbidden, wandered to the prince - Prince Niall. The thought of the young royal brought an unexpected and rare smile to his usually stoic demeanor.

Zayn's childhood was shaped by discipline and duty, ingrained by his father, a warrior renowned for his valor. "Strength and honor are the hallmarks of our clan," his father's voice would often echo in his mind. These words had been the foundation of Zayn's upbringing, teaching him the virtues of loyalty and bravery from a young age. He grew up on tales of valiant battles and sacrifices, each story fueling his aspiration to uphold his family's legacy.

As he matured, Zayn's worldview expanded, and he became acutely aware of the intricate dynamics that extended beyond the battlefield. He observed how political alliances were often forged through marriage rather than through shared struggles or mutual respect. Such realizations led him to harbor a certain disdain for these political maneuvers. He often thought to himself, "True strength lies in one's own actions and convictions, not in the alliances forged by marriage."

This perspective was deeply rooted in personal experience. Zayn's older sister had been a victim of such political scheming, her vibrant spirit shattered by a loveless marriage. Her return, heartbroken and changed, had left an indelible mark on Zayn. He remembered thinking, "She was a free spirit, not a pawn in someone's strategic game."

That morning, as Zayn made his way to the training grounds, the castle buzzed with the preparations for the royal wedding. The contrast between the lively preparations and the quiet turmoil in Zayn's thoughts was stark.

Upon reaching the training grounds, he was greeted with respect and camaraderie by his fellow knights. "Zayn, ready to best us all again today?" Louis one knight jested, clapping him on the back.

Zayn nodded, a slight smile breaking through. "As always," he replied, his voice steady.

The training session was a flurry of movement, with Zayn's skills on full display. His mind, however, was elsewhere. Despite the bustling activity around him, his thoughts kept straying to the castle and the ongoing preparations. He found himself wondering about Prince Niall, though they had a short interaction. The curiosity about the prince was a new and confusing sensation for Zayn.

"Why so pensive, Zayn? You look like you're battling inner demons," remarked another knight during a break.

"Just pondering the extravagance of royal weddings," Zayn responded, his gaze distant.

The other knight laughed. "Enjoy the festivities, Zayn. It's not often we get such merriment around here!"

Zayn offered a polite smile but remained silent. His thoughts were again interrupted as he caught a glimpse of Prince Niall in the distance. His heart unexpectedly quickened at the sight, leaving him both surprised and contemplative.

As the day wound down and Zayn retreated to the quiet of his quarters, the echoes of the day's training and the distant sounds of the wedding preparations melded into a background hum. Lying on his bed, the soft glow of the moonlight filtering through his window, Zayn found his thoughts incessantly drifting back to the fleeting image of Prince Niall. He hadn't spoken a word to the prince the whole day, yet the very idea of him stirred a curious blend of intrigue and apprehension in Zayn's chest.

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