Forbidden Glances

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As the first rays of the morning sun penetrated the luxurious chambers of Prince Niall, casting a warm, golden hue over the opulent surroundings, the young prince stirred from his dreams.

Niall awoke to a sensation of change, a subtle shift in the air that hinted at something different about this day. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, he sat up, his tousled blonde hair falling carelessly around his face. He glanced around the room, his eyes landing on a figure standing near the doorway – a knight, clad in polished armor, silently watching over him.

Startled, Niall's initial reaction was one of annoyance. "What is the meaning of this intrusion?" he asked, his voice tinged with irritation. He was unaccustomed to such a blatant breach of his privacy.

Niall was about to protest further when he recognized the knight. It was Zayn, the skilled warrior he had seen in the training fields, whose presence had intrigued him so deeply. His anger dissolved, replaced by a surge of excitement so intense it took his breath away.

"Zayn?" Niall's voice softened, a smile breaking across his face.

"Yes, Your Highness," Zayn replied, maintaining his formal demeanor, but Niall thought he saw a flicker of something else in Zayn's eyes – was it mutual recognition, perhaps even a hint of pleasure?

Niall's heart raced. He had been captivated by Zayn from a distance, drawn to his strength and the quiet mystery that surrounded him. And now, here he was, assigned to be by Niall's side.

Zayn looked away as Niall quickly dressed, his movements animated with a newfound energy. He chattered about the day ahead, asking Zayn about his duties and expressing his eagerness to spend time together. Zayn responded with polite answers, maintaining his professional facade, but Niall could sense a warmth beneath his stoic exterior.

As they left the room, Niall still buzzing with excitement, he couldn't help but feel that this unexpected arrangement might be the start of something extraordinary. The prospect of having Zayn by his side, a person he had secretly admired, filled him with a sense of anticipation and joy.


Niall, adorned in his casual yet regal attire, stepped out into the brisk morning air alongside Zayn, whose armor glistened subtly under the sun. The courtyard of the castle was alive with the daily bustle, but Niall's world seemed to narrow down to the man walking beside him. As they walked beside each other they talked about the trivialities of life.
Their conversation was interrupted by Harry, Niall's young servant, whose bright eyes always seemed to carry a hint of mischief.

"Your Highness," Harry began, with a respectful bow, "I've been instructed to inform you that today you'll be going for the first fitting of your wedding attire."

Niall turned his gaze from Zayn to meet Harry's stormy eyes, his heart sinking slightly at the reminder of the impending marriage - a duty he was bound to fulfill, yet one that did not ignite his heart with joy. He masked his feelings with a practiced smile, nodding at Harry.

"Thank you, Harry," Niall replied, his voice steady. "Do inform them I will be ready shortly."

Harry nodded, his eyes lingering on the prince for a moment. "Is there anything else you need, Your Highness?"

"No, that will be all, Harry. Thank you," Niall said, his mind now occupied with thoughts of the fitting and the reality it represented.

As Harry left, Niall let out a quiet sigh. The fitting symbolized the step closer to a destiny chosen for him, a path paved with royal expectations. He couldn't help but feel a sense of confinement, a longing for a different kind of future. Yet, as he prepared himself to leave, the thought of being accompanied by Zayn, his new guard, offered a glimmer of solace in the midst of his apprehensive thoughts.

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