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violet and amelia were walking towards the flight field, the others were going to help the elsher girl train her signets. " i'm telling you, i can just electrocute barlowe " amelia said. 

her and violet were discussing ways to get back at jack for being the mastermind behind the attack on maeve. violet suggested an orange to make him ill, but amelia was dead set on electrocuting him. 

" no, we're not letting you get smoked and i'm telling you it will be fine with the oranges " violet said sighing and shaking her head. 

" come on, i have the signet to smoke his ass " 

the girls entered the field with xaden, imogen, bodhi, liam, and garrick. " is lia still talking about smoking barlowe's ass? " garrick said with his arms crossed. 

violet nodded, " she's dead set on doing it "

" all i'm saying is i have the power to do so and he's an ass " amelia said. 

xaden shook his head, his arms crossed just like garrick's and he was leaning his back on a tree. 

" all right, let's see what you got first-year " he said pushing himself off the tree and smiled. 

amelia nodded, " what are we starting with first? " she looked at xaden. 

xaden and bodhi looked at each other, her shield signet would be the most helpful in battle so they were going to do everything they could to strengthen it. 

 " shield " bodhi said, xaden twisted his arm in an unnatural way. liam and garrick looked at each other and nodded before garrick did the same to liam.

" protect liam and bodhi " imogen said to amelia. 

she nodded and focused her signet on protecting them both, it was working for a while until she heard violet shout in pain. she looked over to see imogen doing the same move to her, which made her stop protecting liam and bodhi.

" you aren't focused enough, you should be able to protect them all at the same time " garrick said. 

" again " xaden huffed as amelia nodded. 

xaden knew that her signet could be very powerful mixed with her other two signets, it was already unheard of for a rider to have three signets. 

 " i can't do it, protecting all three of them isn't working " amelia said. 

" of course you can, shields can protect up to an entire wing and their squads. if they can do it then you can as well " garrick said nodding. 

amelia nodded and focused again, however she still only managed to protect two out of the three. meaning something was blocking her signet from expanding more. 

" hold on, i think i know the problem " imogen said smirking at bodhi. she had the evil idea of hurting him. it was dangerous but it could make amelia expend her signet more. 

imogen whispered her plan towards the other, expect for amelia of course and they were on board for it. even bodhi was willing to get hurt so amelia's signet could get stronger. 

𝗜𝗥𝗢𝗡 𝗗𝗔𝗚𝗚𝗘𝗥 - 𝗙𝗢𝗨𝗥𝗧𝗛 𝗪𝗜𝗡𝗚Where stories live. Discover now