Chapter 3 Pt 2: Griffin..

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Insert one of Allison's Tattoos,

Griffin's POV

I honestly can't believe she actually let me do that... Here i am stuck in thought about everything that's happened today when i glance over and noticed she had fallen asleep on the edge of the couch.. She looked pretty cute curled up with her hair sprawled across her face, her shallow breath making her chest rise and fall slowly, i have to admit her attitude and the way she's treated me gives me butterflies. I don't think I've ever had a woman make me feel that way, watching Barret hit on her all day was super annoying, Key being her best friend makes wanting her a little more aggravating because i know he would try and talk her out of it. Letting a breath out i looked back at the Tv watching "Out-Laws", What is wrong with me i can't be having feelings for someone.. This isn't me..

"Hey Bro you alright? You're being super quite" Key said bumping my shoulder,

"Yeah just a bit tired i guess" i said, stretching knowing damn well i was lying.

"You can crash here I'll wake up Alice and have her go to bed" He replied standing up,

I looked over observing her face, maybe if i stay here she'd let me stay with her? I wonder..

Barret turned the Tv off before getting up and chunking us the duces before walking out, Key shook her lightly and said "Alice go to your room so Griffin can crash on the couch"

I saw her eyes slowly open but flutter back shut, i heard a heavy sigh escape her lips as she managed to push herself up, and stumble into her room. Key walked out long enough to come back with a pillow,

"You can go grab a blanket from her room" He yawned before walking in his room closing the door, i stood up walking to her door i knocked lightly on the door frame before i heard,

"You can come in Griffin" her voice sounded super sleepy when she said it i almost felt bad for letting him wake her up, maybe i should've just gone home..

Allison's POV

After i said he could come in i didn't hear anything, no steps no words.. I glanced over and saw his shadow in the doorway but it looked like he was leaning against the wall, i wonder what he's thinking about.. I walked over there peeking around at him "You coming?" i asked quietly, He glanced over at me letting a breath out and mumbled

"I should just probably go home, forget about it" His voice sounded kind of stressed or upset i couldn't tell honestly, i hadn't realized it but i reached out and grabbed his arm when he went to walk away. I tried to speak but nothing would come out i just huffed and mumbled a quite "Okay" i went to walk back towards my bed when i heard steps behind me, and my door closing. I looked back and saw him walking up

"Do i have to sleep on the couch?" he half ass whispered running a hand through his hair, I didn't answer him i just grabbed his arm and tugged him over to the bed.

What the hell am i doing....I swear I'm crazy...

I climbed in bed scooting over and making room for him, i could hear his boots drop as the bed dipped down. I glanced over and saw him taking his shirt off setting it on the floor, then his arm slid under me pulling me over to him, he cuddled up to me and didn't say anything he just went to sleep.

What the hell is going on...First he acts like a dick now all of a sudden he's cuddled up to me in my bed.. I wonder what his angle is..

#Fast Forward#

#2 months later#

It's been weird lately, there's moments that seem like he's into me and then he just plays it off i mean he's always over at the house with Key and Barret, I've even seen Scarlett all over him a couple times. But I'm just going to ignore it, i mean one day of him being all over me isn't going to change my perspective of him, He's a total jackass. I invited Colson over today to study for the English exam we have coming up and of course all the guys were already there,

"Hey Alice- Whoa you brought company" Key said looking shocked as Colson walked in behind me.

"Yeah i figured it'd be nice to have a study partner for the English exam" I replied smoothly walking towards my room.

"I study partner...Yeahhh that's what he is" Barret said snorting and rolling his eyes, wait is it just me or is Griffin ignoring my presence now?

"I'm only here to study, Scouts Honor" Colson said holding up his sign for scout honor.

"You better be" Key said eyeing him and shooting me a dirty look,

"Lucky bitch" i heard Scarlett mumbled as she walked by going and sitting by Griffin,

"Come on" i mumbled dragging him into the room and shutting the door, i could hear Barret and Key making jokes in the living room about what we were studying with the door closed.

"You deal with them alot huh?" I heard Colson say sounding rather amused by the whole ordeal,

"More then I'd like to" I stated with a pout, i pulled my books out and we started sharing notes and Yes we were actually studying.



Colson packs up his stuff and throws his bag over his shoulder,

"Hey Allison?" i heard him say his voice seemed anxious,

"Yes Colson?" i giggled responding to him writing some more stuff down,

"Can you walk me out? I really don't feel like dealing with them" He mumbled glancing away,

"Oh.. Yeah sure" i stood up sliding my pencil behind my ear, i had my hair in a messy low bun with my glasses on.

We walked out my door and i realized that only Griffin was here, "hmm" i mumbled walking her to the door, "Thank you" he whispered walking out, i giggled before shutting it shaking my head.

When i turned around i was face to face with a rather aggravated looking Griffin, He locked the door behind me before putting his hands on the wall by both sides of my face,

"Don't ever bring him here again" He said with major authority in his tone,

"You are not the boss of me Griffin" I replied going to move around him,

He reached out grabbing my arm pushing me back up against the door,

"Allison I mean it" he growled out with a warning look on his face,

"Yeah and i meant it when i said You're not the boss of me" i responded grabbing his wrist and sliding out of his grip,

I went straight from my room i could feel the aggravation rising in my stomach, who does he think he is?? It's not like i fucked Colson?? Better yet it's not like I'm with Griffin.

"Allison!" i heard him snap from behind me,

"Who the fuck do you think you are??" I raised my voice spinning around on my heels,

"You randomly make me get in your car, you kiss me, then you do the same stuff here, turn around ask to stay in my bed, then go back to acting like i don't exist?? You have no damn right to yell at me or to tell me what to do!" i said knowing damn well i probably shouldn't being going off on him but ugh he makes me so freaking mad!

I saw him let a breath out as he looked away from me, i jut shook my head and walked into my room, i curled up in my bed grabbing one of the many books i had strowed out everywhere and started studying.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17 ⏰

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