Five Of Spades

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I almost reached town when a light in the distance caught my attention. It was in the opposite way of town but if there was light that meant there was people. I sighed and walked in the direction of the light, I didn't really think my tank top through. I was wearing a black bra underneath it and you could tell. That annoyed me more but I carried on walking until I saw what the light belonged to. An L shaped apartment complex, I shrugged and walked towards it, my heels clicked on the floor as I climbed up the steps. I saw a table with phones laid out on it, there was also a sign on it too. 

1 per person it read, I grabbed one of the phones and it started to facial recognition me. "please wait until the game commences, there are currently 11 participants. One minute until registration closes" A woman's voice said from the phone. A game? A man walked over me to anxiously, "Um, excuse me. Do you know what is going on?" The man asked me nervously. "No" I replied. "Newbies huh?" A man said walking over grinning. "Newbies?" I questioned him. I hadn't noticed an annoying blonde look up at me as he recognised my voice. "This is your first game?" The man asked me still grinning. "I guess?" I said confused. "Well let's see if you survive, both of you" The man said chuckling. The man gave me a bad vibe so I stepped away from him and stood in the corner next to another taller man. I noticed another man walk up and grab a phone, he stood next to the taller man and looked at me.

"There's a lot of people here, maybe one's a doctor" I heard a familiar voice say. I looked up and noticed Arisu and Karube walking over to the table. Why did they need a doctor? The phone chimed in my hand so I looked down at it, "Registration has closed, there are a total of 14 participants. The game will now commence" The woman spoke making the anxious man look even more anxious. "Excuse me, what is this? I was brought here and I don't know what's going on?" The anxious man asked Arisu. "It's a game" Arisu said to him. "Shut up. Newbies will slow us down" Karube said to him. 

"Difficulty, five of spades" The woman spoke again. Five of spades? Like the card? "Five of spades?" Arisu asked confused. He hadn't noticed me, neither had Karube. Not yet at least. "It's going to be physical, only the strong survive. I'm Nitobe, nice to meet you" The weird man from earlier said to Karube. Karube ignored him, "The suit means something?" Arisu asked Nitobe confused. "Exactly" Nitobe said holding his hand out to Arisu for him to shake. Arisu shook his hand, "The suit of the cards means what type of game we will be playing" Nitobe started to explain to Arisu. Arisu looked confused still. I knew it was a card? But why? "Clubs is a team battle, Diamonds is your wits and as for hearts. That's the worst one" Nitobe said chuckling. "Why is that?" Arisu asked him confused. "Because you play with people's hearts and then tear them apart" Nitobe said seriously. Interesting? "And the number?" Arisu asked Nitobe. "Difficulty, the higher the number on the card means the harder it is" Nitobe explained to Arisu. So this game was the five of spades.

"So this is a physical game and slightly hard?" I asked Nitobe curiously. Nitobe turned to me and walked over holding his hand out to shake mine. I gave him a look and he chuckled, "You are correct, what's your name?" Nitobe asked me grinning. That made Arisu and Karube look over at me. "Yasmin?" Arisu asked me shocked. Thanks Arisu now everyone knows my name here. "What are you doing here?" Arisu asked me as he walked over. "Playing the game I guess" I said shrugging. 

Arisu hugged me taking me by surprise, "Where's Dachi?" I asked him awkwardly. Karube chuckled at Arisu hugging me, "I don't know, he just vanished" Arisu said sighing. "What are you chuckling at Karube?" I asked him confused. "Arisu loves you" Karube teased making Arisu blush and step away from me. What? "Game is Tag, Rule, avoid whoever is it" The woman stated. Tag like the children's game? "Clear condition. Discover and touch the symbol hidden in the one of the building's rooms within the time limit. You clear the game when this objective is fulfilled. Time limit 20 minutes, after 20 minutes the time bomb hidden in the building will explode" The woman explained.

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