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I woke up again but this time I was in a hospital bed, Chishiya was leant against the wall when I coughed grabbing his attention. "You're awake" Chishiya said, he sounded happy as he walked over to me. "I got the bullet's out and stitched you up again. Why did you save Arisu and Usagi?" Chishiya asked me a little annoyed. "I don't know" I answered honestly. Chishiya sighed, "I've been thinking about what you told me back at the beach" Chishiya said to me. I didn't respond to him, I knew what he meant. My confession..

"You should know by now that I'm not the loving type and I'm quite cold and condescending and I don't think that will change" Chishiya said awkwardly. "I know.. but I still love you, for who you are Chishiya" I said sitting up in bed. Surprisingly, I felt strong enough to do that. Chishiya looked down at the floor then he looked at me. "I had a feeling you would say that" Chishiya said sighing deeply. "I.. I don't know how I feel, I don't know what to call it Yasmin but I do know this, when you was shot, my heart stopped. I was so afraid that Niragi had killed you, when I saw all the blood when I was carrying you here and your eyes shut, I was scared that I lost you" Chishiya explained. I looked at him, "I know that I want you to stay by my side and I know that I didn't regret any of the times that I kissed you" Chishiya stated sighing again. He didn't regret them? I thought he did when he told Kuina that they were mistakes? "I don't know what I'm feeling but I do know that I want to try and make this work, I want you to be mine, so although I'm a mess with things like this, Do you want me too?" Chishiya asked me awkwardly. Was Chishiya asking me to be his girlfriend? "You already know I want you Chishiya" I said raising an eyebrow. Chishiya nodded, his breath was shaking. "Will you be my girlfriend?" Chishiya asked me. Oh my god, Chishiya was asking me to be his girlfriend! It wasn't a dream, it was reality. "Yes" I said to him, smiling slightly. Chishiya gave a small smile but then breathed deeply, "So, you were stupid for doing that! Don't do it again!" Chishiya said to me annoyed. This man was so bipolar.

"I'll tell the others that you woke up" Chishiya said walking to the door. I nodded, Chishiya just wanted to get away from the awkward confession he just did. I looked around the room I was in, it was messy, things had been thrown around. My eyes were drawn back to the door as Kuina, Arisu, Dachi, Sakura, Ann, Usagi and Chishiya entered the room. "Idiot!" Kuina shouted at me as she ran over and hugged me. I hissed in pain, "Sorry, I'm just so happy that you are awake!" Kuina said, tears fell down her face again. I hugged her back making her smile, the two people that I had noticed weren't there were Mio and Botan. I hadn't seen them for a while, I hope wherever they are, they are safe and alive. Kuina hugged me for a little longer then let Sakura and Dachi come over to me. "I never thought I'd say this but that was pretty bad ass!" Dachi said grinning at me. "No, it was stupid" Chishiya said rolling his eyes. Kuina looked at Chishiya, a small smirk forming on her face. Kuina knew how worried Chishiya was when we got to the hospital. Sakura hugged me, I hugged her back. "I agree with Chishiya, it was silly" Sakura said looking at me worriedly. "Okay, It was silly and it was stupid" I said grinning at Sakura putting my hands up in surrender. Sakura nodded smiling. "Why would you save us?" Arisu asked me as he walked over. "I asked her that" Chishiya muttered.

"You are Dachi's best friend and you both need each other. You are like another brother to our family Arisu, I couldn't just let you die" I said sighing. Chishiya raised his eyebrow at me, "Aguni got in the way?" Usagi asked me. "Aguni believed in me from the very start, I couldn't let him die either" I explained to Usagi. Arisu said nothing, he just hugged me. I hugged him back. "I'm not staying in this hospital by the way!" I complained to everyone. "Can you stand up?" Dachi asked him, I moved my legs over the bed and stood up, I didn't fall down. "Alright! Can you walk?" Dachi asked me grinning. I looked at Chishiya, his eyes were telling me to walk to him. I blushed awkwardly and walked over to Chishiya, "Okay, you can walk! You don't need to stay in this hospital" Dachi said laughing at me. "Why did you choose to walk over to Chishiya though? thought you hated each other?" Kuina asked me and then looked at Chishiya smirking. I looked at Chishiya, "It turns out I don't hate her that much" Chishiya said smirking. Kuina rolled her eyes at Chishiya's response, he wasn't giving anything away. I wasn't expecting him to tell everyone that we were going out now.. So was that it? "What happens now?" I asked everyone, they knew I was talking about the world and the games. "I have somewhere we need to go" Chishiya said looking at me and Kuina. I raised an eyebrow but Chishiya was already leaving the room, he didn't say bye, I don't think he cared about the others. I followed Chishiya, wondering where we were going? Sakura and Dachi stayed with Arisu and Usagi, they must have thought we were coming back..? We were weren't we?

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