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"DAMN THIS! Why can't we have a baby? Louis and Eleanor have a baby! Zayn and Perrie have twins! Danielle is pregnant! Even Lisa (Random name for Niall's girlfriend) is pregnant! This is so unfair!" I yelled at the test that said that i wasn't pregnant before trowing it away. "I don't know (Y/N)..." Harry said sadly. "I was so sure that this time it would happen!" I sobbed. Harry walked over and hugged me tight. "It will happen next time. I promise you that." Harry said as you cried into his chest. "Why everyone around us? Why not us?" I asked looking up at Harry. He chuckled. "Ask god why" He said and kissed my forehead.

*4 months later*

Damn this! Why do i always have to wake up at 7 in the morning to puke? Ugh! I am started to worry and Harry to. I have to go see a doctor. "(Y/N)?? Are you in there?" I heard Harry say outside of the bathroom. "Yeah" I say weakly and start brushing my teeth. "(Y/N), you have to go see a doctor. This isn't normal." Harry sighted and sat on the toilet. I just nodded. "I know." I said with my mouth full of toothpaste. "You have also been really moody lately." Harry said. Then it hit me. I quickly finished brushing and ran downstairs to find Eleanor. "ELEANOR JANE CALDER! GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE!" I yelled. "Yes sir!" She yelled back and came running down the stairs. "Wazzup?" She asked casually. "Did you eat much when you were pregnant?" I asked. "Umm yeah." She said. "Were you moody?" "Umm... Yeah" She said again. "Did you get stomach cramps?" "Yeah, sometimes." She said. "To the shop NOW!" I yelled and ran to find my shoes. She just stared at me confused. "You coming?" I asked. "Yep sorry." She said and got her coat. "LETS GO!" I yelled. "YES SIR!" She yelled back.

*10 minuets later*

We just got home from the shop with a pregnansy test. I ran to the toilet and did my thing. "Now it's just waiting." Eleanor said as i came out with the little stick in my hand. I nodded. After 10 minuets i looked at the test. It was an +... That only means one thing.... I am pregnant... I can't wait to tell Harry! "OMG!!" Eleanor squeled. "OMG!" I screamed. "What's all the screaming about?" Harry asked as he walked downstairs. "(Y/N) IS PREGNANT!" Eleanor screamed. Harry just stood there shocked. A smile formed on his lips. "Y-y-you're pre-pregnant?" He stuttered. I nodded. "I AM GOING TO BE A BLOODY FATHER!!" Harry screamed and started jumping up and down like a little kid on christmas. I laughed "Yes i suppose so..." I said and walked to him to calm him down. "We are finally going to be a family!" Harry whisper-yelled. I chuckled. "Yes we are." I said and kissed him. 'I just hope he will be calmer when this baby is born'

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