You lay on the floor as drunk Harry hits you repeatedly. He slaps you one more time then gets up. He leaves. And drives to nialls flat. You get up and go to the mirror looking at yourself with disgust. Harry had always he you when he had to much to drink. He would hurt you physically and mentally. But you never left him. You were his drug and he was yours. You knew that if you'd leave no other girl would take his shit. She would either fight back and lose or call the police or something. Harry knew that too. You couldn't be that way with Harry. Harry was different. He couldn't express his hurt feelings. He didn't know how. Its not like he knew what he was doing. When Harry was drunk he was a different person he wasn't 'Harry'. You fall alseep on the bathroom floor and wake to 37 threatening messages from Harry. You fall back asleep and awake to Harry's house. "Harry?!" You shout. "Yah love?" You go downstairs. "What the hell am I doing here?" You say promptly. "I don't know you must've sleep walked here or something" he says. " don't give me your bull shit why did you bring me here?" You say a little louder. He clenched his jaw. He raises his fist and you flinch. His expression changes. He comes closer bringing you into his huge arms. He kisses you gently then picks you up carrying you to his bedroom. He softly sets you on the bed. He puts his hands on both sides of your shoulders hovering above you. Harry was also different during sex. He did everything to make sure he didn't hurt any way shape or form. With Harry it wasnt 'sex' it was love. He takes off your shirt then kisses you. His finger moves across you lips. He stares at the cut on your bottom lip. " did I do that?" He says choking on his words. You nod. He swallows and a tear of guilt falls from his cheek. "I'm sorry" he whispers. His hand moves over your stomach to other bruises and cuts. More tears fall as he silently cries. "I did this to you" he says in disbelief. "Stop" you choke out. You put your hand on his chin bringing him eye to eye. Kissing his plump lips. He takes off your underwear that you slept in. He takes off his boxers and enters you slowly. "You okay?" He asks. "Yah go." You reply innocently. He begins to thrust passionately but effectively. He sucks on your neck. And you moan. You put your fingers in his damp curls. You look at him with his eyebrows furrowed and sweat dripping down his forehead. He kisses you back and forth having to stop for his concentration on his thrusts. You dig your nails into his back. And he grips your hips. He gives one last thrust then collapsing on to you. "A thousand sorrys isn't enough to show how truely guilty i feel. " he says out of breath. "Don't be" you say. You two fall asleep into each others arms.
I want you 2 rock me
FanfictionUh er 4 horny directioners lol idk let's just say some will be sweet BUT ONLY A FEW unless you request