chapter1. felix wants his cuddles

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Right after their hot performance, all the members had head home, cooling off. Everyone had changed into pajamas and were very tired, all getting ready for bed.

Han smiled at Lee Know, who was passed out on the couch. He walked over and poked the boy's cheek.

"Jagiya, go sleep in bed." He joked.

Lee Know opened his tired eyes to the beautiful face peering down at him. He grabbed Han's arm gently, very exhausted, and cuddled it to his chest, pulling him to him. Han laughed and picked Lee Know up, making him groan in soreness. He carried him to Lee Know's bedroom, leaving the others in the living room.

Jeongin, Hyunjin, and Changbin were already in their rooms, only Chan, Seungmin, and Felix were in the living room.

Chan was on his phone as usual while Seungmin ate some late night strawberries. Seungmin peered over at the quiet Felix, who was sulking.

"Hey Felix, what are you doing?"

Felix was out of it, staring at the floor while sitting on the couch. His mind was rushing with thoughts. He didn't even hear the boy until Seungmin shook his body by the shoulders, making him look up at him.

"Huh? Oh.."

"Oh? I said what are you doing."

Seungmin sat down beside him, munching on strawberries. He stared at Felix's distant and deep expression, wondering what was going on inside his mind. He poked his cheek.

"You okay?"

Felix smiled weakly at him just for a moment before looking down.

"Just tired."

Chan looked up from his phone at them, sensing something wrong. Seungmin signaled with his eyes at Felix, who was staring at the floor in thought again. Chan noticed the signal and observed Felix. He wanted to ask what was going on, but knew that if he didn't share it just now when Seungmin asked, then it must be something he didn't feel like talking about. He instead said,

"You guys should go sleep. It's late and it's been a long day."

Chan tried his best to hide the concern in his voice. He stood up and started to walk towards the stair case, gently rubbing Felix's head as he passed the couch. He was worried, but knew he should let the boy rest for a bit before pressing to help. He went to his bedroom, trying to clear his thoughts and getting ready for bed.

Seungmin was left in silence with Felix. He didn't really know what to say, but if Chan didn't say anything, then he probably should let Felix be too. He patted Felix's head.

"I'm gonna head to bed too. Don't stay up too late."

He got up and put the strawberries back in the fridge before going to his room.

Felix's mind was replaying the scene over and over.



When they were in the room back stage, earlier, everyone was calming down after their hyped performance. All the members collasped on the couches and even on the floor from the difficult dance.

All the boys were panting and sweating, especially Hyunjin, who was chugging water. Felix noticed him from the corner of his eye, Hyunjin holding his thigh in pain. He got up and walked over to the taller boy, frowning. Felix knew how hard Hyunjin danced on stage and could tell he was in pain.

He stood directly in front of Hyunjin, catching his attention. Hyunjin looked up at him, waiting in anticipation, too tired to say anything. Felix smiled and gently started massaging Hyunjins thighs. Hyunjin froze up, his heart skipping a beat as he stared at Felix's hands. Felix gave a kind smile to him.

Felix Misses Cuddling With HyunjinWhere stories live. Discover now