chapter3. morning cuddles

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Felix was still asleep in Hyunjins arms, cuddled up against his chest as the taller boy held him tight. 

Hyunjin woke up and could feel the hot breath on his neck. He chuckled, blushing slightly as he rubbed Felix's sleepy head. 

Felix made a cute noise of comfort, snuggling into Hyunjin more. Hyunjin chuckled, feeling tickled.

"'s morning."

Felix made a whine of disapproval, hugging him even tighter. 

Hyunjin couldn't help but smile at the sunshine boy. He let Felix rest more and stayed in bed with him. He just laid his head in Felix's hair, playing with his blonde hair. 

Just then, he heard laughing and screaming coming from out his room. He rolled his eyes, knowing it was the other members already up and being silly. He wasn't expecting the door to creep open and a cute face to peek through.

Felix Misses Cuddling With HyunjinWhere stories live. Discover now