chapter2. jeongin's silly antics

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The next morning, Jeongin woke up before the other guys and got freshened up. He quickly got ready and decided to start a live. He went around acting silly with his phone in the air, laughing and annoying the other Stray Kids members.

He first decided to visit Bang Chan and slowly entered the room. He pointed the phone at the tired and messy haired Channie in the sheets and tried not to giggle, ruffling his hair aggressively. 

Chan groaned; blinking open his eyes to see Jeongin messing around with him. He grinned as he saw the maknae, and cuddle attacked him, pulling Jeongin into bed with him.

Jeongin yelped in surprise and laughed, protesting as he pulled away. "Nooo!"

Chan laughed at his playful antics, letting him off the hook. Jeongin put the phone in his face. "Say hi to the STAYS, Chan-Hyung." 

Chan smiled at the camera, waving over exaggeratedly, "Hiiii STAYSSSSS!" He says in a happy tone. The chat of the live went crazy, all making comments on the fun interactions between the youngest and oldest members, but also returning the greeting to Chan. 

Jeongin bonked Chan's head one last time with a pillow before running out the room as they both laughed. He then visited Changbin, slowly creeping into the room with an unmistakable warm smile. He snuck up to the unsuspecting Changbin and attacked him with a pillow. Changbin, however, didn't react at all, unfazed in his sleep. Jeongin was exasperated and stared at him. He tried hitting him with the pillow more but got no reaction at all. He stared in disbelief, wondering what Changbin was made out of. 

The chat was all full of snickers, commenting on how tanky Changbin was and that Jeongin wouldn't be able to mess with him. Jeongin picked up his phone, looking at all the comments with an uneasy face. He whispered to the camera. "You guys are right. He's sooo scary."

Jeongin muffled his giggle, leaving Changbin's room. He headed to Han's room, slowly peeking inside. He whispered to the chat, "Hannies not here. That's weird. If he woke up, I would've heard him by now. Let's go to someone else then."

He made his way to Lee Know's room, still being careful not to wake anyone. The chat could only see his face as he peeked inside the room and saw him gasp. Jeongin's eyes went wide and he tried to muffle his giggles. He looked at the live and remembered to turn the camera. He pointed it at two figures tightly wrapped into each other in the bed. Walking closer, it was Han and Lee Know. 

Lee Know was actually awake and looked over at Jeongin and the camera. He yawned and pointed at the sleeping Han, who was cuddling him so close, he couldn't leave. He whispered, "Inna...please help me." 

Jeongin chuckled and poked his cheek. Lee Know pretended to try to bite the finger. Jeongin laughed and stepped away from the bed. The chat was wild with minsung shipping and comments as he left the room as if it was all normal.

He went to Felix's room, but again, saw no one there. He sighed. "Why are they never in their rooms? But since it's him...he might have just woke up." He walked to Seungmin's room. 

Seungmin was awake and on his phone in bed. Before Jeongin entered the room, he called out, "I.N. I see you on live." Jeongin burst out laughing and ran from the door, running away from getting caught. Seungmin called out, "Yeah, that's what I thought!" 

"Seungmin-hyung is scary too. In different ways." He whispered jokingly to the chat. 

He went to his last destination, Hyunjin's room. He slowly walked over. Hearing the silence, he assumed Hyunjin was still asleep and perfect to mess with. He peeked inside and froze.

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