Trapped: PT 2

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"Okay everyone please put all your notes and study material away." Santra says as she is passing out the tests.

"She didn't say anything to you about missing class?" Brax asks as he and the others see Jessa isn't here.

"Uh-uh." Mischa says.

"That's odd. Even for Jessa." Alexis says.

"Nice to have you back." Santra says as she gives Jae his test as Alexis smiles being happy he is back in class again.

"Can I go find Jessa?" Mischa asks.

"No. She'll have to make up the test another time." Santra says.

"Are you kidding me? She should get an F." Elda says.

"Let's all worry about our own work. You've got this." Santra says as she gives Mischa her test.


"You don't have to stay. I got this." Mischa says as the group is later the last ones to finish their tests.

"I need food." Jae says as he gets up and hands in his paper.

"Food sounds good right now." Alexis says as she gets up and turns in her test as Brax and Max follow in turning in their papers before the group leaves and goes outside.

"So... lunch?" Brax asks.

"Sounds good." Jae says.

"I'm glad you're feeling better." Brax says before Jae gently grabs his arm stopping him.

"You know you can stop. I know things are weird. I know why you didn't come visit me." Jae says as he looks down.

"I meant to. Okay explain it to me then. What happened to you in Faerie..." Brax says.

"I don't know. I'm still trying to figure it out too." Jae says sadly.

"It's okay. We've missed you." Brax says as he hugs Jae before Jae hugs him back as Alexis and Max smile.


"This is too risky. We're in the middle of the quad." Max says as the group is hiding behind some trees on a small hill.

"Everyone's asleep. You worry too much!" Jessa says.

"You remember what happened last time right?" Max asks.

"Yeah. I'd prefer not to have a repeat of that." Alexis says.

"According to what I heard at the Council meeting no one's been able to conjure the door to Faerie again. You make the call." Jessa says as she looks at Jae.

"It's okay. Let's hear Jessa's plan." Jae says.

"You mean Mischa's plan. I'm just along for the ride this time." Jessa says.

"Okay let's hear Mischa's plan." Brax says.

"We know the hub offers up different doors according to who's asking. So the fact that the door Kristov took that kid through has been there every time Jessa and I look for it... That must mean we're meant to find it." Mischa says.

"Then why wouldn't it open?" Alexis asks.

"I have a theory about that too. And that's why we asked for all your help." Mischa says.

"Well that and the new guards and new security charms. And maybe invisible lasers?" Jessa asks.

"I got the guards. They might have warded against me but I haven't given my persuasion glands a real workout recently." Max says.

"I've got the forcefield. Almost too easy to overload." Brax says confidently.

"I guess that leaves invisible lasers for me and Alexis." Jae says as Alexis nods.

"Piece of cake." Alexis says as the group gets to work on their plan and manage to sneak in easily.

"No. That shouldn't be here." Jessa says as the group gets inside and sees the door to Faerie.

"I can hear it." Jae says as the group looks at him in alarm.

"Not again. Jae you have to resist." Alexis says in alarm.

"Jae... Don't... You don't want that." Brax says as he stops Jae from going toward the door only for Jae to begin pushing him toward the door.

"You stay with the twins. I've got Jae." Max says as he grabs Jae and runs off with him back toward the school.

"I'll go help Max." Alexis says as she shifts to wolf form and runs after Max and Jae only to stop at the school as she sees Santra and Max helping Jae and shifts to human form.

"Alexis? What are you doing out here?" Santra asks.

"Oh um I just saw Jae and Max outside. I wanted to check on them that's all." Alexis says nervously.

"Well Max tells me Jae is still having a rough time since the incident. I have paperwork to take care of. Can I trust the two of you to take Jae back to his room? Later I can help with trying to find a way to help Jae's situation." Santra says as Alexis and Max nod.

"That sounds fine Santra. Thank you. Come on Alexis. Let's get Jae back to his room." Max says as he and Alexis help Jae back to his room.

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