The Last Dance: PT 2

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"So you having fun?" Jae asks as he is dancing with Alexis at the dance.

"I always have fun when I'm with you." Alexis says as she smiles at Jae before everyone stops dancing upon seeing Jessa and Mischa fall onto the ground as they were running from Kristov.

"What's happening?" Mischa asks.

"I depleted your powers." Kristov says.

"Powers? You have powers!?" Jessa asks in shock.

"That was the something I had to tell you!" Mischa says as she and Jessa try to get up to no avail.

"What's going on here? Kristov what's the meaning of this?" Fern asks as she runs over.

"Well... I... They're Dragon-marked! They belong in the Cloister." Kristov shouts as he moves Jessa and Mischa so everyone can see their marks on their arms as everyone shouts in agreement with him upon seeing the marks.

"That's not your decision Kristov. This is a Council issue. I think we need to end the dance, send all of the students back to their dorms, and assemble the Council for an emergency meeting." Fern says.

"No need. As Headmaster I'm tasked with handling all on campus matters. This falls under my jurisdiction. I'm taking these Dragon-marked to the Cloister." Kristov says.

"If you want Jessa and Mischa you'll have to get through us first." Brax says as he, Alexis, Terra and Jae run over to in front of Jessa and Mischa.

"Okay." Kristov says as he blasts the group draining them of their power as they drop to the ground.

"Stop this right now Kristov! You are out of line!" Fern shouts.

"Get in my way and I'll reduce Terra's powers to zero. No!" Kristov shouts as Max runs over and takes his weapon before breaking it as everyone's power returns to them.

"No way!" Jessa says happily as everyone sees Mischa shift to her wolf form and howl.

"Mischa, Jessa run! Get out of here!" Alexis shouts as Jessa shifts to her wolf form and takes off running with Mischa.

"Don't let them get away! Hold them! Behold...The Scepter of the King!" Kristov shouts as a scepter flies into his hand before he uses it to raise a crystal embedded rock out of the ground as teachers except for Fern stop Mischa and Jessa from running away.

"No way." Alexis says in alarm.

"What is that?" Max asks.

"More like who is that. There's people in there!" Jae says in alarm as the group sees people are inside the crystals.

"Dragon-marked people!" Terra says in alarm as Kristov begins feeling the crystalized people.

"Kristov! Stop this! Please!" Fern shouts only for Kristov to freeze her in place.

"I don't answer to you! I don't answer to the Council! I don't answer to anyone... except the Dragon King! Tonight he will rise again!" Kristov shouts as the crystalized people prepare to fight with the group.

"I've got this." Brax says as he shifts to dragon form much to everyone's cheers and begins attacking the dragon marked kids that are attacking only for Kristov to throw a bottle of dragonsbane at him making him go down roughly.

"Are you okay?" Jessa asks as she and Max run over to Brax.

"Agh! It burns! It burns!" Brax shouts in pain.

"You can't do that! Dragonsbane is outlawed!" Max shouts angrily as he looks at Kristov.

"I'm above the law! Take the Twin Wolves unharmed. They're the key! Everyone else is expendable." Kristov shouts causing the two groups to begin fighting.

"No!" Fern shouts as she quickly puts up a large shield to protect the group as a large piece of decor nearly falls on the group.

"Get them! Break through that barrier!" Kristov shouts as the dragon marked kids begin trying to get past the barrier causing Fern to struggle.

"Mom!" Terra shouts as she runs up to Terra.

"No." Fern says sternly.

"Mom it's too much! I can help." Terra says.

"No!" Fern shouts before she gets sent back onto the ground.

"Mom!" Terra shouts as the groups begin fighting again as Alexis, Max and Jae try to defend Terra and Fern.

"This is the night I've waited for! This is the dawn of the Dragon King!" Kristov shouts as the dragon marked kids are about to capture Jessa and Mischa before Jessa transforms into a blue dragon scaring the dragon marked kids.

"She's a dragon!?" Alexis asks in surprise.

"Jessa. How did she do that?" Mischa asks.

"She shouldn't be able to!" Terra says.

"She's full of surprises." Jae says as Alexis nods in agreement.

"She's incredible." Brax says happily as the dragon marked kids begin bowing to Jessa.

"No you idiots! She's not the Dragon King either! She's just a teenager!" Kristov shouts before he then disappears as Jessa breaths fire at him causing the dragon marked kids to pass out and no longer be under Kristov's control.

"Jessa! Touch down here." Brax says as Jessa lands near him and shifts back to human form as everyone takes in the recent events.

"You're both lying Dragon-marked who've been breaking Council law!" A kid shouts as she and others go angrily toward Jessa and Mischa.

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