Diner Dash

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Lowell's POV


This mating bond has been a problem ever since I made that witch force it into existence. I ran my fingers through my long brown mane as I paced my bedroom floor.

Sh*t wasn't supposed to go down like that and now that damn witch is nowhere to be found.

I haven't seen her in over two weeks since she did this curse it mating ritual on me. That b*tch, no doubt on the run. I gotta find her and make her undo this sh*t before I go insane. It wasn't supposed to be like this.

All I see is her now.

My thoughts are not my own anymore. Her damn existence is devouring my entire consciousness and it's not in a good way. She has quickly become something that I hate but just can't get rid of. Honestly when am around her I hate myself a little too.

I can hear her ascending the staircase. Her steady heartbeat sounds louder than anything else in this world to me. The pitter patter of her footsteps coming nearer and nearer until...

My bedroom door opens. "Hey, can we stop for breakfast before we head over to the pit?" Her cheerful voice fills the room I spent the last three hours filling with my thoughts and regrets.

Her scent both surrounds and revolts me and this crap bond is not strong enough to override the distaste. Her scent is a constant reminder of what she is and the crap I got in return for all my blood shed and sacrifice that I put into getting what I wanted the most. All to get f*cking none of it.

What stood before me was an infertile human girl... and she was my f*cking mate. I swallowed the bitter disgust.

I didn't sign up for this sh*t. A bond with some daddy issues, self serving, infertile human woman. None of the crap that happened with her is what I signed up for. And that serpent witch knows it. I can't wait to get my hands around her throat.

The thought of squeezing that witch's neck until she yield to me settled and excited me. I grabbed my keys off of the dresser. Then I brushed past the girl that goes by the name of Emmy without saying a word. She followed me out of the log house I built and into my truck. I take a glance over at her as she fastened her seatbelt. She's not at all bothered by my silence or my nasty mood. If anything she actually looks quite content with herself.

I don't know if she's airheaded or what. How could she be so content with it all? After what I did to her. After what she's lost.

I shook my head and thought as I started the truck. I didn't need the thought of her infiltrating my thoughts anymore than they already do.

I peeled out of my driveway, probably faster than necessary. I am on edge. I've been dealing with this girl for over the past two weeks and it's not getting easier.

And today is...

My thoughts went on the battle and I gripped the steering wheel tightly. I hoped that he would be okay this go round. He's gotten stronger. A lot stronger. He's becoming even on par with his father and the old man knows it. His father really isn't holding back with him anymore. I bet the old man is probably worried that Kegan will surpass him.

He finally acknowledges Kegan as the threat he's grown up to be and he's wise to do so. Underestimating him would probably get him killed.

Kegan is an actual threat to his father now. Gone are the years of fighting when he couldn't even land a punch on the old man without that sadistic bastard allowing it. Kegan is finally on par with his father but he does not surpass him.

His father reaps every victory. And the sick bastard celebrates victory with bloodshed. Nobody is safe around him. Not the weak or the strong. They are all the same when it comes to him and he takes no prisoners. It doesn't matter if you're a man, a woman, or just a child. Not even fated-mates which are held most sacred in our culture are spared by him. And he cares even less for human beings. Though he has some sort of weird kink for human women. Unfortunately for them.

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