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All units on base this is kaiser, Calling President and monarch, my office now

What did prez do this time. i say to my self ,why do i say this? i always talk to the voices in my head

i see prez run past me and grab my hand

Prez: Come on monarch cant be late now! she says as she runs by

prez is like 6,4 now and a bit older then me, She drives me crazy bragging about it

Prez:/kaiser Monarch? 

 Quickly snap bact to Reality as im somehow in kisers office already 

Prez:lost ya for a second there mon

i don't talk much only when i do it is to prez or the other members of hitman

Monarch: P-Prez pplease don't call me that

i've Learned not to say no to prez after the dinner incident and i still have that stupid studder, Well i wasn't raised around people, thinking about it yyeeaa im just introverted, meanwhile prez is a extrovert.

Prez: aw your cute 

kaiser: you two are a cute couple ( he drops in)

Monarch:No we are NOT( i say with a blushing face)

Kaiser: anyways back on track, We have been contracted in a Second cascadn war. They have  plans for a naval invasion Hitman will provide CAS for the bunker defenses and beaches, got it

Monarch: yes sir

Prez: well mic wanna do one last Crockpot dinner before deployment (she says on the way out)


Diplomat: Yea "cute couple boy"

Cosmic: cut it out dip if they where in a relationship prez Would make it known

(Flashback to prez made me listen to the entire CBT wiki page after i said no to dinner)

me and prezs Relationship has been strange, she takes care of me when im sick, gets angry when i talk to other women, Man she Reminds me of my older sister.

stop Don't  think about her your fine monarch 

your fine

your fine

your fine

your fine

your fine

your fine

im not fine

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