Chapter 7

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"God, I can't believe you woke me up." Katie groans, turning around and striding back into the room. I smirk and trail behind her. "Told you I'd doze off if you took too long."

"Katie, I was barely gone for 20 minutes." I grab my duffle bag, extracting the few items I packed for the brief trip. "Just go back to sleep; we don't have training for another 2 hours."

I glance at her, catching her intense gaze from the bed. "Well, I can't now that you're here." She grins, and I feel a flush creeping up, redirecting my attention to folding clothes. "So, what did Williamson want?"

My heart sinks. Memories flash through my mind-Leah's hands in my hair, her finger on my chest, her lips tantalizingly close to mine...

My mind sifts through countless options on what to tell Katie. The truth is not on the table. "Oh... Well, she just wanted to discuss game strategy..." I sneak a glance at her, assessing her reaction to my words. "Especially with my shift to a more defensive mid position." She nods in agreement; she buys the story.

As much as I wanted to revel in my on-the-spot cleverness for crafting an excuse, I could not find joy in deceiving Katie. Katie is kind, Katie is good for me. It feels right with Katie. Moments like in the elevator or at the bar are so intoxicating. Leah has sunk her claws into me, pulling me away from the warmth and goodness that is Katie.

"Glad to see Leah is taking you under her wing; she's a skilled player, Y/N. That could greatly benefit your game." Katie rolls onto her back, addressing the ceiling. "I mean, you didn't appear as angry as usual after meeting Leah just now. I told you she isn't that bad."

"Something like that." I sigh, praying she doesn't pick up on the sour undertone in my voice.

"Okay, maybe I can sleep while you're in here," Katie says through a yawn. "Wake me up in time for practice." And with that, her eyes fall closed and her breath slows within minutes.

I begin to busy myself. Putting away the clothes that I had folded, stacked them neatly in the wardrobe drawers. I can't help but catch my mind from drifting to thoughts of Katie. Her warmth, her kindness- the idea of her is a haven. Yet despite the comfort and magnetism that draws me to her, there comes a subtle hesitation. A nagging thought that lingers in the recesses of my mind.

Leah. With Katie everything is clear. I know how I feel about her, how I feel with her. But Leah is like a drop of ink in the clarity between Katie and I. I find myself grappling with conflicting emotions. Kaite, with her genuine smile and unwavering support, is the epitome of everything good. But Leah, with her intoxicating allure- the way she hates me so much and how it makes me want her even more. I'm stuck at a crossroads, torn between the safety and happiness of Katie, and the dark magnetism that draws me towards the unknown of Leah.

Soon enough, the incessant buzz of the alarm I had set mercifully put an end to the marathon of contemplation that had monopolized my thoughts for who knows how long. It took a series of gentle nudges on Katie's shoulder before she emitted a groan, signaling her reluctant ascent into wakefulness.

With a gradual unfolding of limbs, Katie emerged from the embrace of the bed. Meanwhile, I occupied myself with the rhythmic dance of tying my shoes, stealing occasional glances at her through the periphery of my vision. Our preparations synchronized seamlessly, and armed with our training bags, we ventured out the door, ready for the day's challenges.

Navigating the corridors, we eventually found ourselves in front of the elevator. Katie, still bearing the remnants of sleep in her slightly droopy eyes, pressed the down arrow. A hushed anticipation lingered as we awaited the elevator's descent. Despite the lack of verbal exchange, the silent companionship spoke volumes - Katie's energy, fueled by the gradual awakening and a strategic sip from her energy drink, rose with each passing minute, setting the tone for the day ahead.

Pitched Off- Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now