Chapter 17

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Monday mornings, dreadful, dreary, and downright disgusting. I've never liked them, but I'd never hated them until today. I sit in my newly purchased car, no longer giving Leah an excuse to taxi me around whilst teasing me, dreading walking into the training center. Unsure of how the day would pan out, especially because of the events of the weekend.

Wanting to avoid that undeniably uncomfortable moment where I bump into Leah, I decide to walk in as late as possible, leaving the absolute minimum amount of time in the changing room. Much to my dismay, the second I enter the door to the changing room, I connect eyes with Leah who is sat across the room. I begin to think that the smile on her face and the wave that her hand begins to raise is for me, when I turn behind me and see Lia standing behind me reciprocating her motions.

I give an awkward nod in greeting and watch as Lia walks over towards her. Leah fails to even look in my direction. "I was starting to worry you weren't coming." She says warmly to Lia, "Hurry up and get ready, lets warm up together."

I sit down on my spot of the bench, a weird sickness growing in my stomach due to the lack of Leah's attention, but that could just be normal Monday nerves.

"Leah, mind if I join in?" I ask, but instantly regret doing so.

She stares at me as if she were confused by my question. "I don't see why you can't warm up with one of the others?"

"I just assumed you wouldn't mind. Never mind."

Lia, sensing the tension lifted a slight comment into the conversation, "If I'm not mistaken, Leah, Y/N just wanted to warm up with us I don't see there being any bother..."

I prepare for Leah to scold Lia, like she had done to me many times previously. "You see the stretches and drills I was planning are really better in pairs, you understand don't you Lia?"

Lia nods her head slowly, "of course, sorry my mistake." She gives me a sympathetic smile before walking out of the room.

Leah stays behind just a second too long, I reach out and grab her wrist, forcing her to look my way. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Y/N I just need you out of the way. Please just respect that and listen to me for once in your life."

"Leah." I say under my breath, still trying to avoid a scene in the locker room.

She clears her throat and tugs her hand loose from mine, "I've got to go, please just... just do what I've asked and don't cause any issues."


I find Katie waiting for me out on the training pitch. She gives me a quick wink before dragging me over to a corner of the pitch. "Really took your time to get here and ready today didn't ya."

"Running a bit late today." I say. We begin to stretch out and swing out our legs, preparing for the training ahead.

We make light chatter, talking about the ever-gloomy London weather, and Katie's magical immunity to it. Practice goes on as usual, despite one major difference.

Where Leah has a normal pickiness for every movement I make on the pitch, she is avoidant of even looking in my direction. Drill after drill I catch myself in my usual habit of watching her assessment of my skill, yet she seems to be too preoccupied with just about anything, or rather anybody else.

Where I used to stand, the space is now filled with Lia. Their laughs echoing through my brain. Leaving me flustered and confused. Why is she doing that with her. And why do I care so much. I chose Katie.

Practice takes an excruciatingly long time yet has only just begun. Filled with self-conscious glances back towards her, fighting for even a chance to look her in her eyes, yet it never comes. It's as if I was only ever a brand-new shiny toy to her, and she no longer finds me interesting.

Pitched Off- Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now