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So, here I am in Paris, living it up in one of the priciest cities in France

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So, here I am in Paris, living it up in one of the priciest cities in France. Ever since the whole jet incident with Christopher, we haven't bumped into each other. Or maybe it's more accurate to say I haven't caught sight of him because I'm well aware he's been keeping tabs on me. Life's been quite the ride since then and lets see what city of love has for me...

I'm chilling at Christopher's massive mansion. It's like, super fancy, but calling it "home" just doesn't click. And honestly, even my real home doesn't feel the same since my mom passed away. It's weird, you know? Like, no matter where I am, that cozy feeling of home is kind of missing. missing since a long time... since 16 years..

Dang, this place is something else! Almost 50 rooms, not one but two heated pools that are more like ponds, a legit garden, and even a library

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Dang, this place is something else! Almost 50 rooms, not one but two heated pools that are more like ponds, a legit garden, and even a library. I haven't checked out the library yet, but that's on my to-do list. There's a kitchen, of course, and an office, a dining room, a gaming room, a meeting room , a gym  and get this—a whole cinema hall. I know, it sounds crazy, right? That's just how crazy rich this setup is.

I get it. Being the daughter of a Russian mafia guy comes with its own baggage. But here's the deal - my old man doesn't love me. Not even a smidge. And, honestly, I'm not gonna go into why. It's just a real downer that hangs over me all the time.

Thing is, he treats me like one of his guys, not his daughter. It's all orders and no care. And he never threw any of that mafia money my way. So, this whole shebang is new to me. I used to live a regular girl life—college, back home, rinse, and repeat. Same old stuff. The only twist was that my dad happened to be in the mafia.

Yeah, it's a bit of a bummer. In Russia, our so-called "house" was like split into sections. My dad had his own space, the staff had theirs, and then there was my part. But here's the kicker—I only got to hang out in the garden, the kitchen, and the dining area. That's it.

It's kind of sad when you think about it. I never got to see the whole place. But hey, I've made peace with it. I've convinced myself that's what I deserve, and I'm cool with it. Life's got its ups and downs, you know?

You know, deep down, I still hold on to this tiny hope that maybe, just maybe, my dad could find a way to love me ..... just maybe, my dad could see things differently. Perhaps he could understand that I never wanted to harm his wife. Growing up in a mafia family isn't a walk in the park, you know? I always yearned for love, especially from my father. I'm not complaining, but it's tough when you don't get that kind of love.

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