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"Is it too tight?"Alex placed my foot on his thigh. He was kneeling in front of me, helping me put on the skates. We didn't go to the city center. We were at the arena where he played his first game but it doesn't matter. I know we are going to have fun no matter where we are. "I think it's okay. This one feels loose." I pointed at my left foot.
"Are you guys done?"Kelly asked, already on the ice.
"Yeah,"Alex got up, taking my hands in his. "You ready?"he helped me stand.
"No"I shook my head making him laugh. "You're going to be fine."we stood by the door for a few seconds. Alex was the first to hop on the ice. I copied his actions slowly and held his hands tighter. It's so slippery. "Bend your knees a little bit."

"I can't."I looked down. "Don't let go of me."
"I won't."Alex let go of one of my hands, making me lose my balance. I didn't know I was this flexible. I actually didn't know I could bend like that.  "You said you wouldn't let go."I placed my hands now on the crossbar of the goal.

"Look where we are. We started from there. You did it"Alex cross his arms over his chest. "No, you dragged me here... I didn't move my legs."I let go of the crossbar. "Can I use this..?"I showed him the goal making him laugh. "I know it moves."

"Alex! Do what dad did to mom when she skated for the first time"Kelly went to the other side of the rink.
"What did he do?"I frown, getting no answer. Alex took my hands in his and started skating again. "Wait...what did he do?" I ask for the second time, getting no answer, again. The dude just started skating faster and faster. "You ready?"he smiled big.
"What do you mean? Can you slow down-"
"Go!"he let go of me completely. "Slow down May-"Kelly laughed at the view. "I can't!"
"Do what I showed you!"Alex placed his hands around his mouth so he can be heard. He said when I want to stop I can slightly put pressure on my toes as if I'm tip toeing."It doesn't work?!"I freak out as I get closer to the boards. "Fuck you Alex!"I yell, covering my eyes about to hit the wall. I won't skate ever again- "Don't be a cry baby."I suddenly feel arms around me and my whole body sliding to the opposite direction. I quickly remove my hands from my face and look up at the person that prevented my bones and nose from breaking. Matt?"I'm not"we came to a complete stop. "I thought I heard you saying you won't skate again?" He rolled his eyes. Did I say it out loud? "Thank you." I mumble quietly, making him let go of me. "Hey,Matty!"Alex and Kelly came closer. "What are you doing here?"they did a handshake.  "I came to practice for an hour. I didn't know you guys were here."Matt used his stick to support his body.
"Do you mind if we use this side of the rink for a while?"Kelly smiled big. "It's Mays first time ice skating"
"Sure, go ahead."Matt nodded his head before he goes to the other side.
"Man, now we have to do this again."Alex shook his head disappointed, about to take my hands in his but I pulled them to myself. "Again? You're crazy."I turned around to walk away, falling down instead. How the hell am I supposed to walk on ice? "Never mind. You just made up for it"I saw Alex laugh. "Here, need help?"
"I need to sit for a minute."I accept his help. "Take me to the bench please"
"Yes ma'am"
"I'll have some water and come back when I find out how to keep my balance."I smile when he looks at me, making sure he's not going too fast this time.
"Surprise me"he messes my hair before he skates away. Oh, I will. I just need to find my balance and learn how to stop.

"No!"I hear Kelly and see her running for her life. Alex is chasing her and has probably thought of more than three ways to embarrass her in front of Matt. Matt...he is shooting some pucks nonstop since when he got here. I wonder if it's okay for him to practice without his helmet. I thought Alex said they're not allowed on ice without protection.

I search for my bag and take my phone out, taking a video of Alex dragging here and there his sister from the foot and after a few pictures of them, I also take one of the skates I'm wearing. I hope I master ice skating some day but to get there, I need to take my ass to this rink.
Standing is easy. I have my hands on the board just in case while I take baby steps. I tried letting go one of my hands but I was not as comfortable as I thought I would be so I used both hands again. "Don't even think about it."I say, feeling my heart beating fast to the sound of blades gliding on ice . I knew Alex was coming to do something to me.
"Your laces"I hear and turn around, seeing Matt.
His whole face is red, hair messy and wet and sweat is running down his neck. He came all the way to tell me this? "Thanks"I try to kneel to tie my laces but end up sitting down completely instead. My ass cheeks are freaking frozen. Why is he still here? "Am I in your way?"I frown, trying to get up. Matt shook his head and kneeled in front of me. He untied my laces and did them again,double knotting them so I could keep them longer and when he was done he helped me get up, leaning his body on the boards, staring at me. "You need help?"he looked around.
"I think I'm good."I hold onto the wall when I feel my body moving back. "Want a tip?"he stood tall, skating to somewhere. He soon was back with a helmet in his hand and put it on my head. "Let go of that wall May,"he pushed the helmet back because it covered my eyes. "Thank you."my lips formed a straight line. Matt came closer and placed his hands on my waist. He pushed my body slightly and we both started slowly moving on ice.
"I'm going to fall-"
"Hey,no. Here."He pulled me on his body. His arms were wrapped around my waist as he was holding me tight. "I got you."He smiled. His smile is so warm,it could make the ice melt.
"You make ice skating look so easy."I say,getting his attention.
"Remember at that wedding, you showed me how to move softly to the rhythm. Today we're doing the same. You told me I was stiff. That's you now. Relax."
"I can't..."
"Relax your body. I'm holding you. I'll move you around. Trust me May."he said and I did.
Until my ass felt wet and cold.
"What the hell!"
"I'm sorry!"he laughed, doing circles around me before coming closer. He looks so different today. Last time I saw him he was not smiling. He threw my bracelet away. He said we are not friends. Now we're ice skating together?
"Try bending your knees a little bit"Matt pulled me up. He placed my hands on his shoulders and took me to the boards to rest. I looked around for Alex and Kelly but didn't see them anywhere. Where'd they go? "What friend?"this sentence popped up in my head suddenly. Why did I have to think of it now? Maybe he was drunk and doesn't remember a word he said back then. He wouldn't be so comfortable around me if he did, right? "What?"he frowned. Have I been staring at him?
"What?"I look away.
"You okay? You seem off."
"I just thought of something"I forced a smile. I turned around and slowly started making my way to the bench. I hopped off the ice and quickly sat down, trying to untie my skates. "May"he says and I see him taking a seat right next to me.
"Thanks for helping me skate Matt."why my fingers suddenly stopped working? And where is Kelly and Alex? Did they leave me? They wouldn't...
"What?!"I snap out of my thoughts and look at Matt who was now kneeling in front of me again. He gave me a weird look and started to untie my laces.
"Are you okay? What the hell happened to you just now?"he pulled one boot off my foot. "What did you think that made you freak out?"
"I didn't freak out?"I frown. "Really."I say, because the look he's giving me screams 'I don't believe you'
"Did you hit your head today? And if yes, how hard did you hit it?"
"I didn't hit my head and stop being sarcastic."
"I'm not. I'm just asking. What's that on your eyebrow?"he finally removed the other boot too. My feet feel so nice with nothing on them. So light.
"Oh,that."I smile thinking of it. "Kelly hit me with the tv remote"
"What?"he frowned.
"It was an accident."I get up. "Thank you for today. I have to go look for the others..."I start walking away before he has the chance to say something. Why am I so awkward?
"May?"I hear and stop. "Yes, Matt?"
"I think you need shoes..."I see him getting on the ice again. That's embarrassing.
I go back to the bench and take a seat. I pull my phone out texting Kelly and after I'm done I start putting my shoes on. Matt was back in less than a minute and closed the door behind him so he could sit on it. He crossed his arms over his chest and looked at me as if he was waiting for something.
"What..."I look down.
"I don't know, is there something you want to tell me? Why are you acting like that?"he placed his stick on the side.
"Like what?"
"I don't know May. You took off suddenly after we skated together and almost left barefoot. Why are you rushing? And why are you acting weird?"
"I'm not acting weird, I just...I'm not comfortable being here with you."I say before thinking. And god, I hate talking before thinking. Matt nodded his head two times before pressing his lips together.
"Why did you call me down here?"I ask, and he knew I was referring to the game.
"I don't know..."he shrugged. "I just...saw you and couldn't think straight."
"Yeah, I noticed. You looked like a crazy person."I bite my bottom lip. "I mean...angry. You seemed very angry."I look away.
"I was"his voice echoed. "I was very angry."he nodded again.
"So, I guess what you said at Ben's, was what you wanted to say earlier but couldn't..."I start playing with my fingers.
"Maybe."Matt moved closer, removing his helmet of my head. Great, not only I was going to leave barefoot but with a helmet on my head too. "Did you know I was playing that night?"his gaze softened.
"No."I take my phone in my hand, getting up. Now we're standing face to face. "If I knew I wouldn't have come."I mumble. "I only came to watch my friend play. I didn't expect to see you here..."I take a step back. "Uhm-"my phone buzzed. Thank god. "I really need to go. Thank you again. You didn't have to stop practicing for me-"
"I didn't."he cut me off,pointing at something behind me with his chin. "Bye"
And that something was the exit. Ouch.

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