14. their unique bond.

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The same night, almost passed midnight.

Yudhishtir's eyes snapped open as he herd rustling of clothes and movement inside the chamber.

He looked beside him and couldn't find arjun anywhere.

all his other siblings were fast asleep and didn't seam to realise anything.

He gave a small smile to them and stood up, careful not to Disturb his other brothers.

He walked to the door and found It wide open.

It was dark outside . being a warrior, he knew arjun could see in the dark .

He took a small lanton and started to search for arjun.

On the way , he spoted karn with a confused expression on his face.

Seeing a little beam of light coming toward him, he looked forword and found a worried yudhishtir holding a lanton and coming near him.

"pranipat, angraj". Yudhishtir greeted .

"pranipat, Yuvraj ". Karn greeted back , a question eyebrow raised in question.

"have you seen arjun going anywhere this way?". Karn nodded.

"yes, I did see him. he was advancing toward's krishna's room, a few tears flowing down his cheeks".

Karn said.

"is that the reason why you look confused?". Yudhishtir asked, a little Relieved that his brother had not gone anywhere else.

"yes, Yuvraj. Actually , he saw me and covered his face , wiping his tears and gave me a small forced smile and hurried away to krishna's room".

Karn said . "ok, shall we go check then? " yudhishtir asked, confusion and curiosity intertwined in his mind.

If it was something else, he would not have bothered to chek upon. But it was about his brother. God knows what new plan is coocking in his brilliant brother's mind.

He thought and followed karn to krishna's room.


She smoothed his creeses on his forehead as he relaxed in her touch.

Without even opening his eyes, he knew who it was .

"what is it, priye?". He asked , eyes still closed.

"nothing, just I felt your unrest and came over to sooth you".

He smiled as she jently pressed his temples, her touch soothing him and letting him to breath calmly.

"you were supposed to be with matashri and pitashri ... why then did you come here? Is it only to comfort me, little one?"

Krishna's compassionate and affectionate voice filled her with joy.

"yes, bhrata. Why else would I be here for? I am here just to comfort you. After all, im one of your shaktis as well. I guess I can't offer you the comfort that mata would have given you. But hopefully, I can be here with you all night and ensure no nightmares or bad dreams, sad dreams, torment you while you sleep. And I hope my touch would be comforting as well".

She said, her innocent smile and deep blue obs shining in the moonlight that entered the room.

Krishna smiled as he jently patted her hed . she then pressed his hands, relaxing his tensed Muscles.

His delicate, yet strong, soft yet callessed fingers ... she looked at him lovingly , as she placed an affectionate kiss on his hand.

"they say sisters are the second mothers. And I agree for sure, that is 100 % true". Krishna said, his voice filled with emotion.

"mending bonds", the changed epic, book 1✔️Where stories live. Discover now